82. Love and loss

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~Loki pov~

I say farewell to my mother and take the box of heart supplies to the bifrost. Hiemdall nods respectfully and immediately turns the sword activating the bifrost. He doesn't make small talk.

I step through and onto the roof of the tower. The sky is grey and stormy. Something feels off. Something feels wrong. I go through the tower looking for people and the first one I find is stark in his lab, but not before I see a single drop of blood on the wet floor of the lounge.

Stark has his arm in a sling and is doing something to his suit. I walk up to him.

"What happened? Where is everyone?"

"Rose went nuts, most of the others are either in the med ward or out looking for her"

My blood runs cold- well- colder.

"Where's aka?"

I don't give him a chance to respond before I teleport down to the healing ward.

I see Aka lying in a hospital bed. Her skin is pale and her eyes are closed. There are various midgardian machines beeping around her. Seeing her like this sends me right back to when she was in a memoma lying in this very bed.

I rush to her and take her hand.


There's no response. I bring her hand up and kiss the back of it. My hands glow green as I use my healing magic.

"It's okay baby I'm here"

It's only now that I notice strange. I turn to him.

"What happened?"

I feel her pulse. It's weak. It's barely even there.

"Rose stabbed her with this"

He holds up a knife and I take it. I turn the blade over and over in my hand. I recognize this type of knife. The tip springs open but I know something most people don't about this knife.

I twist the handle and a little compartment pops open. Thunder sounds in the sky making me flinch and I look up to see Thor on the other side of Aka. I look back to strange.

"Did she twist this knife?"

Strange nods

"Yes, why?"

I throw the knife to the ground in a fit of rage.

"Because it's laced with poison you imbecile!!"

Thunder sounds again and Thor stands between us.

"Alright enough! It's not his fault so let's focus on healing Aka and not killing the mortal"

I turn away and place both of my hands on Aka's abdomen and focus on healing her.

In the middle of the night Aka's eyes crack open and she weakly reaches for me. I sigh in relief and take her hand in mine.

"Aka, baby your back, I've been so worried about you"

I look around to see Natasha curled up on one recliner and Thor sprawled out on another. Stark is asleep in one of the empty hospital beds.

"We've been worried about you"

She smiles a faint smile and blinks slowly. As she speaks her voice is not the smooth sweet sound it once was.

"Don't.. hurt- rose.. it's not-.. her.. fault"

I wipe a tear away from her eye.

"I won't baby, don't worry"

"I... love.. you.."

"I love you too, always and forever"

She smiles at me

"Tell-.. our babies... I love.. them.."

I cup her face in my hands and kiss her forehead.

"Don't talk like that, you're gonna be okay"

Tears stream down my face.

"You hear me? You're gonna be okay"

She puts one of her hands over mine and leans into my hand.

"It's- okay- Lokes... You have-.. to let... go-.."

She kisses my hand and a tear rolls down her face.

"You have.. to be.. strong"

"I-I can't"

"Be.. strong.. for.. me.."

Her hand goes limp and falls away from mine. I see the life drain from her eyes. The machine beeps a long high pitched beep that echoes throughout my soul. It feels as if my heart has just been ripped from my chest. I feel empty, alone. My soul has just been ripped from my body leaving only a cold outer shell.

The others wake to the sound of the long beep and I just start sobbing. I've never cried like this. Never in literally a thousand years have I cried this hard. Sobs escape my mouth in an uncontrollable mound of grief.

My vision is blurred with the tears and I don't know about anything else around me. All I know is that the love of my life, my soulmate, is dead. My lungs spasm. I'm hiccuping and coughing and can't catch a breath and I'm sure that nothing will ever change this moment. It doesn't matter anymore. Life is no longer worth living.

The loudest thunder I've ever heard cracks in the sky outside and it's the only thing that pierces through my muddled cloud of grief.

~Thor pov~

Thor grabs Loki's sobbing form around the waist and drags him away from Aka's body. Thor is upset too but he knows this is even harder on his little brother.

Eventually Loki stops sobbing and just falls limp in Thors arms. Thor can tell that Loki is awake and physically unharmed but Loki makes no move to speak or struggle.

Thor takes  Loki to the room he used to share with Aka and lays him in bed. Thor pulls a blanket over Loki and tucks him in.

"Sleep well brother"

Thor leaves the room closing the door behind him.

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