73. Just friends

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Wanda looks to you and you give her a slight nod. She wiggles her fingers and you hear the click of the door unlocking.

Nyle opens the door slowly and steps in. Wanda gets up and goes over to lean against the wall.


He gives you a tight smile.


You look away. Nyle sits in the spot that Wanda was in. He looks to Wanda.

"May we have the room?"


You feel a slight release of tension knowing that wanda isn't leaving.

"Why not?"

Wanda crosses her arms.

"Because Rosa and Nova aren't allowed to be alone in their room alone with a boy"

That's a lie, you're in your room alone with Kyle all the time, but Nyle doesn't know that. You don't correct her because you kinda want her here.

Nyle huffs and turns to you.

"Look, I didn't mean to push you so far, I didn't realize you didn't like it, I apologize for my behavior"

You think you might smell a lie but you brush it off. You tell yourself you're just still smelling Wanda's lie.

You take a deep breath and let it out.

"I accept your apology"

He scoots over towards you.

"Thank you"

You look away and he puts a hand on your middle thigh. You swallow hard.

-Nova I'm so sorry

- I-it's okay, we can just do friends

You let Nova have control. She leans her head on his shoulder with a sigh. He leans his head on hers.

"It's okay darling"

"C-can we just be friends please?"

He rubs his hand up and down her thigh and she doesn't stop him.

"Why would you want that?"

"I- we-.. please can we just be friends?"

Nyle opens his mouth like he's about to say something but then his eyes go wide as he stares into space for a moment. His mouth shuts quickly and he blinks a couple times. He pulls his hand away and rubs his eyes.

"Nyle? Are you okay?"

He doesn't put his hand back on your thigh as his eyes dart to Wanda and back.

"I-I'm fine. I- of course we can just be friends"

"Thank you, are you okay?"

He smiles at you and nods standing up

"I-I have to go but I'll see you later"

With another glance at Wanda he leaves like to hounds of hell are on his heals.

You look at Wanda suspiciously.

"What did you do to him?"

She smiles mischievously.

"I'm afraid I don't know what you mean"


"Am I?"

You both laugh.

From then on you Kyle and Nyle spend more and more time together as a trio. During the day if one of you is somewhere, the other two are there as well.

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