6. "Hey kiddo"

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You wake up back in human form laying on a white couch in a big room. You sit up and look around. The whole wall on your right is a floor to ceiling window overlooking a city. There is a glass table in front of you with a couple of magazines and a sweet smelling mug of steaming tea. The room really is rather large, there's at least ten or fifteen feet between you and the window, on the other wall there's a large metal door. You assume it leads out of this room because the only other door is wooden and half open leading into a bathroom.

You stand up and go to look out the window. You're about halfway to the window when you're stopped by chains around your ankles that are attached to the couch. You tug on them a couple times only to be met with the pain of the cuffs digging into your skin.

'Jeez, they've got me locked up like some kind of animal' at that thought yesterday's events come flooding back to you. You remember the metallic taste of blood in your mouth and all the guards you tossed aside like rag dolls.

You look down at your hands and quietly whisper to yourself,

"Am I some kind of monster?"

You hear beeps like someone is putting in a pin on the other side of the door before the door slowly swings open. The man named Tony stark walks into the room.

"Hey kiddo, remember me?"

You slightly nod your head and he comfortably sits on the couch like nothing is out of the ordinary.

He sighs. "Guess not"

"No, I remember. You and Mr. Rogers were at my house"

"Not what I meant"

You cock your head at him. What does he mean? You've never met him before that.

"Then what do you mean?"

He pats the couch as an invitation to sit and makes some kind of fancy holographic screen come up in front of him. You sit on the opposite side of the couch annoyed at the chains on your ankles as they cause you to trip.

He looks over at the chains and rolls his eyes.

"Jarvis, get those chains off her"

You hear a male, semi-robotic voice and look around the room to see where it's coming from

"But sir, director Fury said-"

"I don't give a damn what Fury said, release her"

"Yes sir"

With that you hear and feel a click and the cuffs fall off your ankles. You pull your bare feet up and rub your red ankles, you didn't realize how tight those really were. You feel a sense of relief having them off.

"Thank you"

"No problem kid"

You're not really sure how to address him or ask or figure out why he's being so nice to you.

"Um- mister stark, sir?"

"Call me Tony, what's up?"

"Where am I? Why am I here?"

You have several thousand other questions but decide to leave it at that for now.

"Just a second"

He goes back to the screen sorta thing and pulls up a picture. It's the avengers, and at their center, you. You look happy, like you belong. Tony has one arm over your shoulders. Everyone looks so happy. You feel a sort of tingle for a moment before you remember something. Hesitantly, you speak,

"The avengers.. 'earths mightiest heroes'.. why am I in that picture, like I'm one on them?"

You look up and realize that tony is iron man and therefore one of the avengers and correct yourself.

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