23. Suprise (part one)

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It's been about a week since your night running in the woods with Loki and you're happy as ever. Loki has finally been accepted as truly part of the team. Saving your life seems to have changed everyone's mind about him.

Recently Loki has been having secret conversations with Thor, which is very suspicious. Loki joins you in the hammock after the last secret conversation with Thor.

"What's with your little secret meetings with Thor?"

"They're not secret"

"How many times must I remind you that I can LITERALLY SMELL LIES."

He chuckles.

"Alright fine. If you must know, I'm planning a little surprise"

Your heart jumps.

"What is it?"

"A surprise"


"If I tell you it defeats the point"



You give up for the time being, you'll ask Thor later.

"There's something I've been meaning to ask you"

"What is it?"

"When my wolf took over, you called her Aka, what does that mean?

"That is her name my love, it means shadow"

You think about this.

"I don't remember"

"It's alright love, she was in control"

You cuddle there until dinner.


After dinner you catch Thor by himself.

"Hey Thor"

"Greetings lady (y/n)"

You don't beat around the bush. You don't know how long you'll have him alone for.

"What have you and Loki been planning?"

He laughs once.

"I'm afraid I cannot tell you lady (y/n)"

"Why noooot?"

"My brother might actually kill me if I tell you, he's been planning this for a while"

This is when you see Loki materialize leaning against the wall, tossing a knife in the air and catching it.

"That I would"

Thor chuckles and then scadadles before Loki finds a reason to stab him.

"Sneaky trickster"

"Impatient puppy"

You stick your tongue out at him and he laughs.

"Don't worry little wolf, you'll find out soon enough"

As it turns out, 'soon enough' would be the next morning while it was still dark out.


Loki says your name in a singsongy tone.


"It is time to wake up my love"

"Mm mm, too early"

"We're going on a trip"

You open your eyes to see the excitement written all over Loki's face.


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