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Each character who is asked questions will have their own section, the question will be listed, then their answer. I will continue to add to this as questions are asked


"What is your favorite color?"

-it has got to be between royal blue, royal purple and cyan


"Did you ever have a past life?"

- I'm not sure, it's possible, sometimes I have dreams that could have been past likes but is there really any way to be sure?


"What in the Sam hell was that?"

- what in the Sam hell do you think it was? /s


"Is there anything weird that your metal arm can do?"

-don't worry about it


"Do you plan to have any kids?"

-maybe, probably, not right now but I would like a little boy eventually, I'd name him tommy


"How many times have you thrown Tony out the window this week?"

-one time so far, however, it is only Monday my friend

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