12. Heart of the team

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You quickly become the heart of the team, bouncing around happily through the tower spreading positivity.

You were tested and accepted as part of the avengers and started your training with Nat on your third week in the tower. It's a couple months before you go on your first mission but you do great and work well with the team.

You graduate school and you were bounding with joy when you see a couple of the avengers in the crowd.

The whole team is super protective of you and treat you like a baby even though you're not, though you look younger than you actually are.

You're the happiest you've ever been living with the avengers. You Truly feel at home.

One day you're sitting on a hammock up near the ceiling of the main lounge reading a book when Thor steps out of the elevator with someone you don't recognize.

The man is tall and skinny, not nearly as muscular as Thor but visibly not weak either. He has circles under his eyes like he hasn't slept in a while. You know how that feels.

He has pale skin and raven colored hair that reaches just past his shoulders. He looks around the room without turning his head and when his eyes land on you he furrows his brow. His eyes are a piercing emerald green.

"Everyone, meet my brother, Loki"

A couple of the members groan and roll their eyes. Tony speaks,

"Yes Thor, most of us have met reindeer games"

"Why is he here and not in prison on Asgard?" Clint asks.

You finally put the pieces together and Figure out why the team is so hostile towards him.

"Loki. Like from the attack on New York?"

Thor answers you quickly,

"Yes lady (y/n), but before you make your judgements please know that he was being mind controlled at that time"

You nod and hop down off your hammock high on the ceiling. You hear loki speak for the first time.

"Isn't that awfully high for a little mortal girl to be jumping down from?"

You shrug

"I guess I'm just special, my name's (y/n) by the way, but you can call me (n/n)"

You hold your hand out to shake but he just looks at it for a moment and leaves you hanging. You pull your hand back and start to go back to your hammock when Loki speaks.

"I'm hungry, where is your food?"

You bounce over to him,

"here follow me I'll show you"

You show him around the kitchen and after he eats you show him all around the tower. He's not the friendliest person but he's not completely hostile. You make it your personal mission to make him laugh somehow.

He ends up being put in the room across from yours. You show him there. Due to your heightened hearing you hear Tony and Thor arguing downstairs about Loki staying in the tower. You tell Loki you'll see him at dinner and head downstairs to investigate the argument.

Tony: "You can't just bring him here to stay without permission! He is dangerous and unpredictable! Having him here puts the whole team in danger! Dare I say the whole city! You saw New York!"

Thor: "Stark, just give him a chance, he has been in prison on Asgard for years for crimes he did not deserve to be punished for. Our father sent him here to prove himself, to prove that he is not evil. I hardly think he would risk getting thrown back in prison."

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