64. Cokatoo

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~Rosa POV~

Your eleventh birthday finally rolls around and you wake up to music playing over your speakers. You rub your eyes and sit up to see a cockatoo bobbing it's head to the music at the end of your bed.

You sit up and look at her confused. She hops over to you and turns her head. You hold your hand out to her.

"Hey there,"

She bobs her head and hops up on your hand. She makes a funny sound and you giggle. She perches herself on your shoulder as you exit your room. You go into the lounge to see mom sitting between the two cradles rocking both babies.

"Happy birthday Rosa! Dad's making breakfast, he'll be done soon"

"Thanks mom"

She looks at you and then the bird.

"Who's this?"

"I get to name her?"

"I suppose you do"

You hold your hand up to her and she hops onto it. You hold her in front of you.

"What do you think? What should I name you?"

A name immediately comes to mind and you know without a doubt that it has to be her name. You turn to mom.

"Her name is Phoenix"


Dad comes into the lounge with an apron on.

"Happy birthday darling, breakfast is ready"

"Thanks dad"

You hop up and start to head towards the dining room when you see Wanda come in. She goes over to mom.

"I can take care of the twins while you eat breakfast if you'd like"

Mom gets up and hugs Wanda.

"Thank you so much. I love them but they're a lot"

Wanda scoops up the twins holding one on each hip. She bounces them and baby talks as they look at her with wonder.

When you get to the dining room you see that dad made chocolate chip pancakes with little smiley faces on them. They look delicious. Phoenix stays on your shoulder and doesn't bother your food.

Everyone wishes you a happy birthday as they sit down. Breakfast is indeed delicious and you thank dad for his delicious cooking.

The elevator dings and you turn in surprise to see grandma frigga stepping out of the elevator. You run and hug her.


She hugs you back.

"Hello Rosa, happy birthday"

She pulls something from thin air and shows it to you. It's a piece of jewelry but you've never seen anything like it. It's a snake made on gold with emeralds for eyes that twinkle in the light. It is very pretty. Grandma frigga gently slips it on to your arm.

"She is called Fanindra. She is a guide and will help you to find what you seek. She can conduct you on safe paths and will light your way through darkness. Do not be afraid of her, for she wishes you no harm"

It slides on like an armband and sits just above your elbow. The gold is cool and scaly. You run one hand over the interesting material. The whole thing is surprisingly comfortable and stays on your arm better than you thought it would.

"Thank you grandma frigga, this is so cool"

"Of course darling"

You decide to keep the jewelry called fanindra on. You find it odd that grandma talked of it as if it was alive. You shrug it off, it's probably just modeled after the snake she speaks of.

Grandma is greeted by everyone else and she is so kind. She scoops up angel and enchao and they coo at her as she baby talks them.

Grandma frigga stays for dinner and when you're all finished eating dad comes out of the kitchen with a huge cake. The cake is white with a big purple rose made of icing in the middle. They Sing happy birthday to you and you blow out the candles.

After dinner they give you your birthday presents. Your favorite present besides Phoenix and fanindra is the brand new acoustic guitar Tony gives you. You start learning to play it immediately.

You pluck each string listening to the sound each makes and then slowly pick out the notes of twinkle twinkle little star. When you're told it's time for bed you take your guitar up with you and secretly practice all night.

The next year passes smoothly going to Asgardian school and coming to Midgard very often. You get a lot closer with nyle. He's a really cool guy. You spend a lot of time with him on ravens cliff swinging your legs over the edge and talking about everything under the sun and over the sun as well for that matter.

You feel Novas pull towards him in your heart and her sadness every time you have to leave him. You let Nova have control most of the time you're with him and if not that you split control equally. You know she really likes him and you feel butterflies in your stomach every time you see him.

You start having trouble differentiating between your emotions and Nova's and you're really starting to like him as well. One night at the tower you babysit the twins so that mom and dad can have a date night.

As angel and enchao sit watching Clifford the big red dog you notice two bumps on angels back. You want to call mom and dad but you're torn because mom and dad don't have date nights often. Angel doesn't act like the bumps are hurting her so you decide that it can wait.

When mom and dad get back angel and enchao are already in Bed for the night. You tell mom about it and mom says they'll figure it out tomorrow. The next day mom has doctor strange look at Angel's back and he doesn't know what it is so you, mom, and Angel go to see grandma while dad takes care of enchao.

You get on lady montrinal's back as mom gets Angel situated in front of her in Abby's saddle. The three of you ride to the palace and meet grandma frigga in her garden. She talked one look at angel's back and her mouth drops open. She looks up at mom.

"What? What is it?"

Grandma frigga breaks into a smile.


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