86. A pure white wolf

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~Rosa pov~

You sit on your bed and set groot down next to you.

"So you're groot"

"I am groot"

"Do you say anything other than 'I am groot'?"

"I am groot"

You smile and pat his head.

"I'll take that as a no"

"I am groot"

Nyle walks in and furrows his brows.

"You brought that thing home with you?"

"I am groot"

You chuckle

"Yeah he's cute, what harm can he do?"

Nyle shrugs. You stand to meet him and the two of you share a sweet kiss. You hug him.

"Thank you for being so good to me Nyle"

He hugs you back and kisses your forehead

"Of course little wolf"

You sit down on your bed and go through your phone. As you sit there groot reaches for your necklace. You smile and hold it up so he can see.

"This is my wolf necklace, Nyle made it for me, it glows see?"

You tap your necklace to make it glow and then hold it out to groot. He taps it causing it to glow and tilts his head looking at it.

He then grabs it and tries to yank it off your neck. You pry it out of his little hands and lightly bop his head.

"Hey! This is mine you can't have it"

"I am groot"

You chuckle

"Silly little guy"

You open your phone and  look at your Spotify playlist that you share with Peter. You notice he has added songs.

Hope ur ok by Olivia Rodrigo

One step forward three steps back by Olivia Rodrigo

Memories by conen grey

This is me trying by Taylor swift

Partners in crime by FINNEAS

Wherever you are by 5 seconds of summer

You look through the songs and have a strong urge to add one some, though you're not sure why.

Numb little bug by Em Beihold

Do all my friends hate me? By McKenna grace

War of hearts by ruelle

You turn off your phone and set it down.

~Peter Pov~

Peter is in his room on his phone when he sees the songs Rosa added. He listens to them and then jumps up out of his bed and exclaims excitedly.

"That's it!"

He runs down to the conference room where he knows some of the others are having a meeting about rose.


Sam turns to look at Peter

"Quiet kid the adults are talking"

Bucky joins

"Go get a juice box or something"

Peter perks up

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