21. I remember everything

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(The depressing bits are over)

~present day~

You wake up in the medical ward and the second you open your eyes you see Loki collapse on the floor next to your bed.

You remember. You remember everything.

Tony and Bruce rush over to you but you tear away the medical whatnots and jump off the bed crouching over Loki. You place a hand on either side of his head and close your eyes, putting all your energy into healing him. He overused his magic healing you.

You feel his spirit drifting and put your energy into healing him. He gasps and opens his eyes sitting up you hug him.

"I love you too Loki"

He hugs you back and then you kiss.

"This is, you know, sweet and all, but the entire team is waiting to see if you're okay"

You look up to see Tony and Bruce standing there. You stand and pull Loki up then turn and hug Tony. He pats your head.

"Good to have you back kid"

You then hug Bruce and then hug Loki agian.

"I remember everything"

Loki gives you a squeeze and then broadly smiles down at you. He says a breathy word,


And kisses your forehead.

The four of you head up to the lounge where everyone's at. When the elevator doors slide open cheers go up around the room and you're swarmed with team members welcoming you back.

You laugh and give hugs and catch up with everyone till dinner. After dinner you all go into the living room and have a movie night with pillows and blankets and all your favorite movies.

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