60. Loosing a friend

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You show Ky all around and then finally land in the horse field. You dismount and them help ky down. You go to Lady's face.

"Thank you for the amazing ride"

You bow to her and she bows back. Both of you stand up and she lowers her head to you. You hug her face and kiss her on the forehead. Then she happily trots off into the distance and you see her meet with Abby and Raven.

You turn back to ky.

"Alright so should we start at the palace or the woods?"

"Can we go to the palace?"


You split control with nova as you walk to the palace. Kyle notices.

"Hey nova."

"Hi ki"

On your way to the palace you see a familiar face and nova takes over.


She runs over and hugs him. He hugs back.

"Hey little wolf, it's been a while"

"Yeah it has, sorry, I've been caught up with school"

"I understand"

Kyle shifts awkwardly. You realize that you should introduce them.

"Nyle, this is my friend Kyle. Kyle, this is my friend Nyle"

Nyle bows and Kyle looks at his feet

"Uh yeah, friends"

You turn to look at Kyle

"What'd you say?"

"Oh nothing, it's nice to meet you Nyle"

You sense a lot of tension between them so you decide you should probably separate them.

"Good so see you Nyle but I'm gonna go show Kyle around the palace, see ya another time"

"Okay, have fun"

Nyle leaves and Kyle lets out a breath when Nyle is gone. You look at him puzzled.

"What was that?"

"I don't know, something about that guy makes me nervous"

"Don't worry ky, he's harmless. I've known him for years and he's never given me any reason not to trust him"

"Okay, if you say so"

You turn to walk to the palace but you bump into something, or rather, someone. You look up to see grandma frigga standing there looking at you with a smile.

"Hello Rosa"

"Hi grandma frigga"

You hug her

"This must be Kyle"

Kyle does some odd attempt at a bow.

"N-nice to m-meet you your majesty"

She laughs as pulls him into a hug

"Please, call me frigga"

She turns to you.

"Where are your parents?"

You look down and kick the dust as you mumble

"On midgard"

She gives you a look

"And do they know where you are?"

You know better than to lie to her


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