77. Communicate through song

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~Rosa pov~

You feel bad for hanging up on them but you didn't want them to hear your breakdown.

You see Nyle walk back in with a plate of food, it's a steak but upon seeing him you lose your appetite. He sets the plate by you but you kick it and turn away from him.

"You have to eat some time little wolf"

"Don't call me that"

"Fine, starve, see if I care"

You hear a creak and turn to see him with a bucket. You're confused as he swings it and suddenly you're covered in hot mud.

"Ack! You idiot! What the hell?!"

He smirks

"If you were aiming for a mud bath that was more of a mud shower"

He doesn't respond, just turns to leave.

"Good night darling"

"Don't call me that!"

You hear a click as he steps out and the cave goes pitch black.

~Aka pov~

Wanda does not keep her promise to wake you up at sunrise. You wake up and look at your clock, it says noon. You immediately go find wanda.

"You said you'd wake me up at sunrise!"

"Technically I didn't say I would wake you up, I just presented you with a hypothetical and you took it"

You roll your eyes. Morgan comes running over to you.


You pick her up and hug her.

"Hi Morgan"

You set her down and she sighs in exhasperation.

"You've been asleep forever!"

You laugh and ruffle her hair.

"It's only been a couple of hours"

She tilts her head at you

"It's been longer than that silly"

You turn to Wanda and she breaks eye contact.



"How long have I been asleep?"

Tony walks in and answers

"Three days"


"What? You needed sleep"

Your voice apparently alerted the goblins because you hear angel and enchao running over to you.


You are practically tackled by the two of them. Then they look up at you.


"Yes enchao?"

"Where's sissy?"

Morgan comes over and the three of them look up at you. You try to think of something that won't upset them too much.

"Uhm, shes- shes-"

Loki walks in

"Darling you're awake"

He hugs you and gives you a knowing look. You mouth to him 'help'

"Alright children, who's hungry"


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