20. Memory wipe

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Last chapter recap: you wake up in a cell and Loki teleports you out, gets you to take a nice bath and then gives you tea and reads you to sleep. In the middle of the night you get up to do something self destructive and Loki stops you and admits that he loves you. Loki helps you sleep without nightmares.

This chapter:

You barely get out of bed in the next month. Loki gets you to eat and attempts to get you to go visit with the team with no luck. Now and then he actually lets members of the team come into his room to visit you.

Everyone does their very best to make you feel better and it almost helps. You're suspicious of the fact that they are careful not to mention the news or anything going on outside the tower.

One day, Thor, in an attempt to make you feel better shows up at the open bedroom door with the scepter that was used to control you.

"Look, lady (y/n), we have the scepter. They can't hurt you with it anymore."

You just curl up a bit more in bed and Loki goes mad.


Thor leaves quickly and Loki rejoins you in bed, pulling you close to him and kissing your forehead. With your head against his chest you hear his heart beating faster than normal.

You're out of tears, you're just numb.

On Christmas Day they convince you to come out to the lounge. You go just to make them feel better. You sit on the floor and lean against the side of a couch as you just watch everyone celebrate. You refuse to eat and you won't accept any of their presents.

The next day Tony comes to you with a preposition. They could remove all memory of the event and allow you to live a normal life.

You just shrug numbly,

"Sure, whatever."

It's decided that it will take place on New Years in order for you to start the year new. You hear fights between Loki and Tony about the dangers but you don't care all that much.

On January 1st, your memory is wiped.

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