18. The incident

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~(y/n)'s POV~

When Loki teleports back Thor is not with him.

"Where's Thor?"

"He went for a little walk"

Loki gives you a mischievous smile and you giggle. You end up convincing Loki to watch movies with you in the lounge and you bring a whole bunch of pillows and blankets down and spread them out on the floor in front of the tv.

You and Loki cuddle up and start a movie and Wanda takes a picture.

"Wanda. Chill with the pictures"

She's been taking a lot more lately and it's really just annoying. She gasps in mock insult.

"You're having movie night without me?"

You laugh,

"Come on in, there's plenty of room,"

you gesture to your huge pile of pillows and blankets all over the floor. You both giggle and she goes presumably to her room and comes back in pajamas without the camera.

You look don't at your own clothes.

"Aw, I should've thought to wear pajamas"

Loki looks at you and then waves his hand is the air, suddenly you're both in pajamas. You smile up at him.

"Thank you Lokes"

You lightly kiss him on the cheek and as you're turning to return to the movie, you realize your mistake.

Oh shit

Wanda sits there looking at the two of you smiling with excitement. You point at her.

"Not a word"

She just smiles and sits back to watch the movie. One by one all the others change into their pajamas and come join in. Tony orders pizza for dinner so no one has to make food.

You all talk and laugh and eat pizza. It's a great time. You watch all your favorite movies and cuddle with Loki. Slowly the others get up and go to bed but you end up falling asleep on top of Loki.

He wakes you up gently,

"Come on love it's time for bed"


"We have got to go to our beds, we can't sleep on the floor all night"


He gives a sigh of loving exasperation. He starts to stand up and you sleepily hold onto him tighter.

"Dont leave"

You mumble and he pets your hair and kisses the top of your head.

"I won't leave you darling"

With that you fall asleep, the only difference you notice is that your surroundings feel softer.


You wake up on Loki's bed with your head on his chest as he lays there petting your hair. He's wearing shorts and no shirt and you have all the covers.

You pop up immediately, panic rising in your throat. You try to calm yourself with no luck.

What happened last night? Did he..?

Loki sits up clearly concerned,

"What's the matter love?"

You look up at him for a moment with tears in your eyes before immediately looking down and the bed and ducking your head in submission. Loki gently lifts your chin with one finger and repeats himself.

You frantically look around on the bed and he holds your chin up to make you face him, firmly this time.

"I-I-I don't want t-to-.. we didn't-. y-you didn't-.."

You squeeze your eyes shut and your whole body shivers at the thought. You feel Loki's arms around you as he realizes what you're asking.

"Oh, no no no baby no. I would never do that to you, I wouldn't hurt you like that."

A sob escapes you and you sob a couple times into his shoulder and return his embrace.

"Loki I'm scared"

He gives you a quick squeeze and kisses your forehead.

"It's okay love. It's alright I've got you. I'll keep you safe love, I promise"

Eventually loki is able to calm you this way and you fall back asleep in his arms


On November 28th you wake up and look out your window at the first snow of the year. You bound into Loki's room, and after a lot of convincing, you get him to come outside with you.

You love the snow and Loki laughs and shakes his head as you excitedly wag your tail in hybrid form the whole ride down the elevator.

The second the elevator stops you shift to full wolf and run out into the snow and roll around in it. When you get up you're covered in snow and you notice Loki carefully avoiding the snow so you get an idea.

You roll in the snow getting as much of it in your coat as you can and then you come over close to him and shake all the snow off. He jumps back and frantically tries to get the snow off him but you don't understand why.

You know he doesn't get cold for some reason so You're not sure why he's freaking out about the snow. Like, he's actually panicking. You come back over and sniff him, he smells like normal besides the nervousness.

That's when you see it. Part of his skin is blue where the snow touched him. You cock your head at him and he still seems frantic. You try to shift back to human form but the second you do you're met with a fiery pain all around your body.

(Warning: violence and blood and suicide ahead. Skip if you want to)

You whimper and cry at the pain and paw at your face and roll in the snow trying to make it go away. Loki seems worried and crouches down by you but You're too focused on all the pain in your body.

Suddenly, all the pain is gone but You're not in control of your body and neither is your wolf. You see and feel everything but You can't control it. Sound is muffled in your ears and You can't distinguish Loki's voice from the background noise. Then your body stands up and looks Loki in the eyes.

The second you make eye contact he gasps and starts saying something and waving his hands around but You don't know what his saying. Your body moves almost robotically as it turns away from Loki and runs in the other direction. You're helpless to stop your body as it runs and runs and runs.

It stops at an intersection where a child tries to pet you. You're helpless as your body grabs the child by the neck and bites down until there's a crunch and throws the child's limp body aside.

You can't stop it. You can't close your eyes. You can't look away. And the worst part is that You can feel everything.

You're helpless. You're more helpless than you've ever been as your body grabs person by person, slaughtering them. Your hearing is still foggy but blood curtling screams make their way through.

You use all you strength and willpower to try and take control but it's no use. You see a helicopter in the sky above you getting ready to shoot and you silently pray that they'll kill you.

Right as the helicopter starts to fire Loki teleports to you, teleports you to a clear see through cell and teleports to the outside of the wall. Your glad he did because your body immediately lunges at him and hurting him would be the worst thing in the entire world that could happen.

Your body paces and growls and scratches at the clear wall. You see Clint above you with a dart.

"Sorry kid"

The dart finds it place between your shoulders and your feel the effects of the sedatives kicking in.


You can't speak your thanks but you are extremely thankful to be put out of your misery at least for a little while.

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