63. Pregnancy

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~Aka POV~

You sit in the lab with Loki on one side of you and pepper on the other. Doctor strange comes in with a clipboard. He looks at you then pepper.


You smile and hug Loki. He hugs you and kisses your forehead. You look at pepper and she looks like she's seen a ghost.

"No, I-I can't be. I'm not ready. I-I-I haven't planned for this-.."

You take her hand and look her in the eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, it's gonna be okay, we'll be here to support you every step of the way"

She nods and closes her eyes taking a deep breath.

"Thank you."

She gives you a weak smile. You know she's still a little anxious but this will do for now.

That night at dinner you stand up and tap your glass. Everyone quiets down and looks at you.

"I have an announcement"

Loki intertwines his fingers with yours.

"I'm pregnant"

The table erupts in cheers and congratulations. You make silent eye contact with pepper and give her a friendly smile. If she doesn't want to tell anyone yet you're not gonna make her. She can take her time.

Pepper stands up and takes a deep breath. The table quiets as everyone turns to look at her. You sit down.

"I'm pregnant as well"

Tony's face lights up and he jumps up out of his seat. You know he's not one for a lot of physical touch so it suprises you when he immediately jumps up and picks pepper up, spinning her around in the air. He hugs her tight and kisses her. You hear him whisper though you don't know if anyone else does.

"We're going to be parents"

After that the team once again won't let you go on missions. It's annoying but you might as well humor them.

~Rosa POV~

Mom has been spending a lot more time with pepper recently. It's probably because they're both pregnant. You can't wait to meet your little sibling. You swing in your hammock with some peanut butter. Mom and pepper sit on the couch below talking.

Doctor strange comes in and you hop down from your hammock to go greet him. You hug him and he pats your head.

"Hello Rosa"

Dad walks in with excitement written on his face.


Strange comes all the way in and Tony rushes over and sits with pepper. They interlock their fingers

"Pepper, your baby is a girl. Congratulations"

Tony and pepper hug and strange turns to mom and dad.

"I'm sorry but the ultrasound broke upon contact with you and though I tried to fix it it was completely fried. The other tests were on the Frits for you as well. I did a gender test five times and each time it alternated between boy and girl."

Mom furrows her brows

"It's probably just because of my powers, we'll just have to find out at birth."

You have an idea.


"Yes Rosa?"

"Can I try something?"


You come up and put both your hands on moms belly closing your eyes. You focus as hard as you can on telling the gender of the baby. Your head starts to spin.

Boy. Girl. Boy. Girl. Goy. Birl.

You back away shaking your head because it actually starts to hurt.

"Ow. I can't tell"

Mom takes your hand.

"It's alright Rosa, we'll find out eventually"


You turn to Tony and pepper.

"Have you decided a name?"

Pepper smiles and Tony replies.

"Morgan, we're naming her Morgan"

Morgan, why does that sound familiar?

"Nice name"

4 months into mom's pregnancy you go back to Asgard. Mom acts kinda woozy upon landing which is odd but it's probably just because she's pregnant. You notice moms belly is bigger but you prude it off. She is pregnant after all.

Grandma gasps upon seeing mom and gently hugs her.

"You're pregnant!"

"Yeah I am, I'm about four months along now"

"Four months? There's no way you're only that far, look at how big your belly is"

"Well I can't exactly tell from this angle"

You giggle as mom looks down at her belly. Dad furrows his eyebrows.

"You do look bigger than you did this morning"

Dad looks at you and you nod. Grandma frigga speaks up

"It is more than likely caused by the difference in the way time passes between realms"

Sure enough, three Asgardian weeks later mom goes into labor. You are shooed out of the room.

~Aka POV~

You lay there on the bed panting with one hand in Loki's. You squeeze his hand as you have a painful contraction. Mama frigga is between your legs to deliver the baby. She speaks to you calmly.

"Breathe Aka breath, in and out, in and out"

You follow her instructions.

"Alright, I need you to push"

You push and it feels awful. You forgot just how bad it hurt.

The baby pops out but you still feel pressure. Mama frigga quickly wraps the baby in a blanket and gently gives it to Loki. She comes back and you look at her confused.

"You're having twins"

As she says it you have another contraction and cry out in pain. When the second baby is out you sigh in relief. Mama frigga wraps her up in a blanket and gives her to you. You take her in your arms and look at her lovingly.

"She's perfect"

Mama frigga smiles.

"That she is"

You breast feed her and then the other. Loki looks at them with awestruck admiration. You end up having a boy and a girl. You and Loki decide to name the boy enchao(ahn-chow), and the girl angel.

~Rosa POV~

As you enter the tower with mom, dad, and your younger sibilings(in your parents arms). The whole team comes over to greet the newest additions to the family. You notice peppers belly has gotten much bigger since you left. The tower sure is gonna be different with babies around.

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