76. Cave

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~Rosa pov~

You wake up to the echoing sound of dripping water. You blink your eyes open and take in your surroundings.

You're laying on the floor of a cave, there are chains on your ankles that attach to the wall. You sit up and then immediately double over coughing. Your lungs feel like they're on fire.

When you can finally breathe again you try to stand. Your sore muscles make you immediately regret that decision and you end up laying right back down.

You realize you're still wearing your suit and tap the collar twice to turn it on. You get tingles as it powers up which is weird because that doesn't usually happen.

You attempt to stand a second time and succeed. You pace back and fourth. The chain is pretty long but it's still a chain. The wall of the cave with a doorway type thing is out of your reach but you can touch the other three.

You sit down and lean against the wall. You fiddle with the necklace Nyle gave you. It's glowing orange. You look back fondly at the good times you've had with him. You wonder who kidnapped you.

~Aka Pov~

You hear Jarvis's voice

"I just got vital signs from Rosa's suit"

You jump up out of your seat excitedly.


"I'm sorry, I cannot pinpoint a location"

"Please tell everyone to get to the lounge right now"

When everyone gets to the lounge Jarvis announces the news. You hop up and pace the living room.

"So we can't pinpoint her location, but can we call her?"

~Rosa pov~

You sit against the wall singing to yourself and fiddling with one of the ankle cuffs in an attempt to get it off. You hear footsteps and look towards the door. Nyle steps in.

"You have a beautiful voice, you should sing more"

You sigh in relief and jump up. You run over and hug him.

"Oh my gosh Nyle you're here! I was so scared! Someone locked me in here and I can't get these chains off"

"Good, you're not supposed to get them off"

You step back.


He steps toward you with a smile

"Nyle, please stop you're scaring me"


He takes another step toward you and you step back, you don't want to accept what's happening.

"What do you think of the little cave I made for us?"


He looks at you with a smile.


"Please tell me this is a joke"

"Oh darling, it's as real as the funeral your mother is planning for you"

You step back just staring at him. It can't be. It can't be. You thought he was your friend, you thought..

You get a call through your suit right as Nyle turns his back to you. You inconspicuously tap to answer the call. You hear mom on the other end.

"Rose? Are you okay? Where are you? We have your vitals"

The call is in your earpiece so Nyle can't hear it but you don't want to give yourself away by talking to her.

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