59. Horse in a Hospital

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After that incident, your Asgardian history teacher starts being much much nicer to you. He starts politely saying good morning and telling you to have a good day when you leave. It's weird but you find it funny.

A couple months later you're walking into math class when you stub your toe hard on a desk.

"odins slappe testikler!"

Everyone in the room looks at you confused. You don't explain, just go sit with ky.  He whispers to you

"What was that?"

You whisper back

" I stubbed my toe"

"No I mean what did you say?"

"odins slappe testikler"

"What does that mean?"

"So you know how we're not allowed to curse at school"


"If I curse in Asgardian they can't do anything about it"

"Good idea"

You then explain your silly little curses to Ky and he giggles.

When you start talking about Asgardian horses in Asgard history class you get excited.

"I have a horse on Asgard! Her name is lady montrinal and it's so much fun riding her up in the clouds"

"Up in the clouds?"

"Yeah they have wings"

"No they don't"

"Wanna bet?"


As you leave class Ky asks you

"What are you planning?"

You smile

"Probably something stupid"

Art and band go by like a breeze except that you miss Kay during band because he's not in that class with you. You goof around during your entire study hall and you're excited to go home.

You and ky play video games at the tower until he goes home and you go to your room. It's only a matter of time now.

When it's dark and you're sure everyone's asleep you head through a portal out to where no one will be disturbed by the noise.

"Hiemdall open the bifrost"

Nothing happens and you sigh


The bifrost opens and you're sucked up into it. You greet hiemdall and then head straight for the horse field. You spot lady and get her attention.

"C'mon cmon! We're going on an adventure!"

You ride lady back to the bifrost and hiemdall gives you a little trouble but lets you by with a smile. You land back in the place where you were before.

You make a portal back to your room and talk to lady,

"Here come through here but be really really quiet"

Lady steps through the portal into your room and once you get her settled, you go to bed. You wake up first thing in the morning and get ready to go to school. You instruct lady to stay in your room. You eat some Breakfast and then sneak a couple of apples in your backpack.

"Hey kiddo, why are you up so early it's not time to go yet"

"I'm walking to school today"

"Okay suit yourself"

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