8. Call me Tony

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You look up behind Tony Stark to see avengers tower, you hadn't realized you made it this far.

"I'm not gonna hurt you kid, come with me"

He is firm but not unkind with his command and waves a hand for you to follow him into the tower. You duck your head and do as you're told.

You follow him onto an elevator.

"So what's your name?"


"And how old are you, like 10?"

"I'm 15"

"Close enough, what happened?"

You assume you're in trouble for running into him so you start trying to explain yourself.

"I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean to bump into you I-"

"No not that, I mean what happened to you, why are you all beat up?"

You look down at yourself, your clothes are torn and you've got bruises on your arms and legs that you can see as well as a gash on your left arm. You wonder if you should tell him the truth then the elevator dings. The door slides open to show a lab-type area and a man with curly hair is sat at a desk not too far away.

"Banner, this is (y/n)"

The curly haired man spins around in his chair and meets your eyes, you break eye contact immediately and look at the floor instead.

"My God what happened to you?"

Now they both look at you and you shrink back a little bit where you stand.

"I- um.. fell?"

They both give you a 'yeah right' sort of look and you sigh, giving in, if they send you back you'll just have to run away again.

"It was my foster father, he's not exactly nice to me."

They both look at you with a look of pity and you hate it, you don't want them to feel bad for you, you want to be strong. The curly haired man speaks first

"Well why don't you come over here and let me treat your wounds, I'm Bruce by the way."

"Hi Bruce"

You follow him over and sit in the chair he offers you. He scurries around gathering supplies and you sit there looking at Tony Stark across the room.

The elevator dings and as it opens you recognize the person who steps out. Black widow. She's in casual clothing rather that the suit you usually see her in. She steps out of the elevator and turns to Tony Stark.

"What's with the kid?"

"Somethings different about her"

They don't realize you can hear them, if you were a normal person you wouldn't be able to tell what they were saying. Bruce starts cleaning the gash on your arm and you're beginning to feel all the pain that comes with your injuries now that the adrenaline is wearing off.

"What happened to her? Why's she so beat up?"

"I think she came from an abusive household, she said her foster father did that to her"

They turn away and lower their voices and it makes it harder for you to hear them. You strain to hear what they're saying about you.

"Are you sure we can trust her?"

"Yes, we can trust her, she's more afraid than anything, you should've seen her flinch earlier"

Suddenly Bruce jumps back from you, looking at you wide eyed. The other two turn to see the commotion.

Self proclaimed monsters (Loki x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt