35. Divorce

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About two and a half months into the pregnancy you and Loki travel to Asgard to tell mama Frigga your news. Raven and Abby meet you at the bifrost.

Abby prances over to you happily and then stops. She nickers to you and you pet her. She sniffs your stomach and then nudges you and looks into your eyes.

"Yes I know Abby, I'm pregnant"

She rears up and hollers into the air and you hear other horses call back in various directions. Raven nickers to you and comes over but Abby pins her ears at him and steps between you giving a little bit of a warning squeal. You pet her neck and go past her to say hi to Raven.

"It's alright girl, Raven won't hurt me"

You pet Raven's nose and then you and Loki mount. Abby bows down on one knee so you can climb on and your surprised but thankful. You challenge Loki to a race but he refuses saying he doesn't want you falling off. You roll your eyes at him and tap Abby's sides.

"Hya! Hya!"

Abby starts walking forward at a regular pace and you sigh.

"Seriously Abby? You too?"

She nickers at you and Loki laughs. After a slow ride to the palace you meet Frigga in her garden. You hold hands on your way in and she immediately comes and hugs you both.

"My babies! You're back!"

You don't even get the chance to tell her before she sees your slight baby bump and looks at you excitedly.

"Are you-?"

Your smile gives the answer away and she hugs you again.

"I'm going to have grand babies!"

You laugh and hug her back. The rest of the trip goes smoothly and when you go to head back muffin complains at you for leaving so you decide to bring her with you. You're sure the team won't mind.

You step into the lounge with muffin in your arms and to your surprise, Fury is there. You've met him before and you've had your disagreements but he's okay for the most part. He sees muffin in your arms and looks rather alarmed. He points a finger at muffin.

"What the hell is that?"

You laugh at his overreaction.

"This is Muffin"

"Looks like a flerken to me"

You pet muffin and then set her down.

"She's just a cat"

"Where did it come from?"

"Asgard, why?"

"I don't trust it"

Peter is very confused.

"What's a flerken?"

You shrug and Fury points to muffin.


Muffin meanders over to Wanda and she picks her up onto her lap and pets her.

"Looks like a regular cat to me"

You all laugh and make fun of fury for his obvious fear of your harmless kitty. Though he won't admit to being afraid.

About three months into the pregnancy Aka starts insisting that the child's name will be Rosa.

'Aka we have to decide together, you can't just announce that her name will be Rosa, what if I disagree?'

'You don't. Her name will be Rosa'

'C'mon, there's no way you can know the gender already'


'Well we still need to talk to Loki about it'

Self proclaimed monsters (Loki x reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя