50. In the Light of the Moons

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Authors note: This is the 50th chapter special. Thank you to everyone who makes it this far. It has truly been a journey and I have lots more in store for you. This is a longer chapter by about a thousand words. Enjoy!

~Loki pov~

Taking care of two wolves is exhausting. I thought they would change back in the morning but they haven't. Aka and Nova are still in control.

After our little nap, they hop up and start running around my room exploring. I have to take them back to the tower because this is the last planned day of our trip.

I am pacing my room when my mother comes in. She looks at the two wolves and then at me.

"It is true"

I turn to her.

"The myth of the moon goddess?"

She nods.

The two wolves come over, looking between us and Aka tilts her head. Mother sits gracefully on the couch and Aka sits at her feet. Nova takes the alternative route of leaping upon her lap.

She laughs and pets them both. The sound of her laugh makes me smile. I sit down next to her facing her as she gets ready to tell the story. I love it when she tells stories.

"There's a story here on Asgard that has been passed down from generation to generation"

She summons an old storybook to her hand and I recognize it as the book she used to read me this story from. She opens it and the pages are thick and rough. The pages are discolored and worn down with age.

"My mother  read this story to me when I was a child. Before that, her mother read it to her. It is said that this book is older than Odin himself. One day I will pass it down to you"

She makes an illusion illustrating the story as she tells it. She taught me everything I know. She's been doing this since I was a child but
her magic still amazes me. I'm willing to bet that she is the most powerful sorceress in the nine realms.

"A long long time ago, there was a wolf and a girl. The wolf saved the girl from her pack. The girl saved the wolf from her tribe"

The illusion shows a large grey wolf as well as a little girl back to back protecting each other.

"After that, the two of them became good friends and ran off to the woods. The two of them lived together in harmony."


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(https://hdqwalls.com/wallpaper/1080x1920/wolf-girl-4k to find this picture)

"Then, the wolves and the Asgardians started fighting."

The illusion changes and both wolves watch wide eyed.

"The wolf and the girl were both princesses and the wolves and Asgardians each thought the other had taken them. When the girl and the wolf found out about the war they were heartbroken."
( https://youtu.be/ETRlKIRucac )

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