87. Nova returns

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~Tony Pov~

Tony sees the flower come up around Rosa and Thor and then white fire shoots out the top. There are screams and when the fire stops the flower collapses  into a huge smoldering heap.

Everyone runs toward the heap and starts pulling petals aside trying to uncover Thor and Rose. They find Thor first badly burned. He groans and rolls over.

"Leave me, find Rose"

And they do. After a half hour they find rose in the rubble. Every part of her is burned but somehow she's still breathing. Groot immediately steals Rose's necklace and runs with it. Tony gasps upon seeing her and immediately dials Shuri's number in his phone.

"We need your help"

-an hour later-

Tony paces in shuri's lab as she treats rose.

"Would you please stop pacing, I know you're worried but you are very distracting"

Tony doesn't respond.

The next two weeks are nerve wrecking for everyone. They wonder if rose will live or die. The tension is extremely high and everyone is on edge.

~Rosa pov~
You stand outside the opening gates of Valhalla and mom hugs you. You look down at your hands and see your form flicker.
Mom looks you over

"I love you darling, but it's not your time yet"

She shoves you backwards.

~Third person~

Loki and Tony are both sitting with Rose when her breathing changes and her eyes open.


Loki grabs her hand.

"Yes darling I'm here, you're safe"

Rose looks around

"Why is it so dark in here?"

Tony looks at her confused.

"What do you mean? The lights are on"

Rose waves her hands in the air in front of her

"Are you messing with me? It's pitch black I can't see anything"

Rosa groans at her own movement.

"Oof, also I feel like I was just thrown into oncoming traffic"

Bruce comes over.

"That would be because of your big death flower"

Bruce shines a light in rose's eyes but her pupils don't react. He also notices that her iris's are now a light grey rather than their usual green.

Rose closes her eyes and wraps further into the blankets.

"I'm going back to sleep"

The others leave the room and stand out in the hallway. Bruce speaks softly

"This isn't good, I think she's blind"

Tony replies

"Well blind is better than dead right?"

Loki speaks next

"Is there anything we can do?"

Bruce shakes his head

"Not that I know of, we'll need to find out more though"

The three of them go back in and sit by rose where she sleeps.

The next day rose wakes up and for the first time in a while her wolf ears pop out. She had forgotten about Nova during the incident but now she remembers her and she can't believe that she forgot.

The next time loki walks in nova hears his walking pattern.



"Yes it's Nova"

Loki puts a single hand over hers and rubs circles on the top of her hand with his thumb.

"Where have you been?"

"Locked up, something was keeping me from coming out though I'm not sure what"

Loki takes a deep breath.

"We'll it's good to have you back, both of you"

Nova nods, she wishes she could see her fathers face. For that matter she wishes that she could see anything at all.

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