49. Måne

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~Rosa pov~

At seven years old you're on Asgard in the field when you do something against your parents' wishes. You climb up on Lady Montrinal's back, well, you try to anyway. Her fur is slick and she shuffles out of the way as you attempt to climb up. You end up on your butt in the dirt.

Your parents come over to you but you wave them away, stand up and brush yourself off, now with more determination. Lady is tall and it is hard to get up on her back but you're determined. You will get up there. You go over to Lady and try to get on her back again. you get a little farther this time but you still end up in the dirt.

 As you stand back up you notice Lady getting irritated and she strikes a warning kick at you and Raven turns to her with his ears pinned scolding her. she blows out a huff at him and goes back to grazing. you start to walk back to your parents and they look relieved. then you turn around, maybe if you get a run-up you can make it.

 You ignore your parents' protests as you run towards Lady. Lady promptly brings out her wings and takes off. she circles in the air above you almost in a laughing way. you go back to your parents and you see lady land and look at you smugly. Dad pats your head with a chuckle

"not today Rosa"

they take you back to the palace. There will be three full moons in the sky tonight so you and your parents will be playing in the woods. you will be stuck in wolf form all night but you're okay with that. As the sun sets you can already feel the pull of the moons.

~Loki pov~

We head out to our usual clearing in the woods and we shift to our wolf forms. The second the sun is out of sight an odd glow surrounds Rosa. Then it surrounds Aka. They are lifted up a bit into the air and they both have peaceful looks on their faces. The light suddenly gets so bright that i have to look away and then its gone. Aka and Rosa are laying on the ground in their wolf forms but they look much different.

Aka's coloring went from light grey and white to a black and dark grey with patterns in royal blue and little streaks of cyan. Rosa went from different shades of brown with a white belly to full-on galaxy. looking at her fur is like looking into deep space with its specks of white and subtle swirls of color. they both look gorgeous.

I come up to them each and nudge them. they both get up and shake off. they look at each other and then themselves. they both seem startled but rosa recovers quickly and bounces off into the woods. I don't worry about it because there's no danger to her here, we know these woods well.

Aka trods over to me and rubs along my side. When I look into her eyes I see that it truly is Aka. Her eyes are bright blue, she looks at me with the same loving kindness she always has, but by the way she's acting I know sparks isn't in control. I attempt to communicate telepathically but all that does is give me a headache. Rosa comes bouncing back with something in her mouth. I see her brown eyes and realize this is Nova.

Nova drops a dead rabbit at my feet and sits down wagging her tail and looking at me proudly. great. I suppose she expects me to eat it. There is no chance I'm doing that. It looks rather unappetizing laying there. I nudge it towards Aka with my paw and she gratefully takes it and scarfs it down with a couple of crunches. gross.

I wonder if Rosa and sparks have any kind of control. Then I remember something I read. Is this what I think it is? No. It couldn't be.

~Sparks pov~

When the moon lifts you up into the air, you feel a sense of peace wash over you. You feel a sort of tingle all over your body. you awake on the ground and when you stand up you see rose doing the same. She looks different. You look at your fur and it's different too. You see Rosa'sbrown eyes and realize she's not in control. When your body moves without you commanding it, you realize that you're not in control either. Nova runs off and comes back with a dead rabbit for Loki. poor Loki.

He nudges the Rabbit towards you and Aka eats it. You're okay with being in the back seat for a while because you know- or are pretty sure- that Aka won't do anything too stupid. you look at Nova as she starts stumbling around. You're willing to bet that she's not taking it very well. Nova stumbles around like Tony stark after drinking Asgardian alcohol for a few minutes. then she stops and shakes off with a huff.  Looks like they got that figured out.

~Rosa pov~

You are NOT okay with this. You want control back but it's almost like there's a mental border keeping you from taking the front seat. You mentally ram Rosa, desperately trying to get control. you ram and ram her fighting against her until there's a white flash and you see a woman with pale skin, a flowy white dress, and a soft expression. 

She looks like how a movie would depict a goddess. there's something oddly comforting about her. she gracefully steps toward you.

"Who are you?"

"I am måne (maw-nuh), goddess of the moon. I will keep you safe. Nova will not be in control for too long. It is okay to sit back for a while."

"but-but what if-"

she steps forwards and softly puts her hand over yours.  

"Sleep, my child. you will be alright."

you feel a cool calmness wash over you and you drift into a peaceful, dreamy state.

~Aka pov~

You're content watching as Aka, Loki, and Nova play in the woods. Fenris joins in on the fun little ways through the night. In the morning you expect to be able to turn back or at least take control but you aren't able to. Aka and nova are still in control as the three of them go into Loki's room in his bed. With Loki in his human form, the two wolves curl up on either side of Loki and he pets them as they all fall asleep.


                                     Chapter picture by: masked_titan

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