53. The hydra base: part two

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You see someone come through a doorway. Hellhound let's out a deep growl and rushes toward the person.

You realize that you recognize this person and accidentally switch to Asgardian as you yell to hellhound.

"helveteshund vent!" (Hellhound wait!)

Hellhound stops in his tracks and turns to look at you in confusion. You look the man up and down.

He's slightly taller than you. He's wearing a lab coat and is a little chubby. You recognize him as the man you saw in mom's memories. The one who tortured her.

"This one's mine"

You walk up to the man and look him right in the eyes. He eyes hellhound warily before you can visibly see him steel himself, trying to look tough.

His accent is thick as he speaks

"What? You sink ima going to be afraid of ze little girl and ze puppy dog?"

You let your Asgardian accent through as you speak.

"First of all
My bloodline is more powerful than anything you could even imagine.
this so called puppy dog is 6'2", can light himself on fire, and is trained by your ex agent, two assassins, the best trainer in the world and countless others"

Hellhound demonstrates the fire as you laugh maniacally. The man swallows hard and looks at hellhound. He still pretends to be tough.

"You are still just ze little girl and ze puppy dog"

You smirk devilishly.

"Hellhound, sic balls"

(Violence warning)

He does exactly as you said and clamps down his jaws on the mans crotch. The man screams and you laugh maniacally. You're purposely acting crazier than you are to freak out the hydra agents.

"utgivelse" (release)

Hellhound follows your command and releases the man. The man falls down to the floor crying. Hah, you just made a grown man cry.

You command hellhound to "take care of" the incoming guards while you deal with the man. With your heightened wolf hearing you hear a man a little way down the hall speak into his Walky talky.

"Notfall! Notfall!" (Emergency! Emergency!)

You smile at the fact that he's panicking.

"Target 1628 is loose in the facility!"

You hear a voice come through the walky ttalky.

"Tis just ze puppy dog, not a problem"

"I think doctor shah will disagree with you"

Doctor shah, so that's his name.

You turn to look at the man with the walky talky and he runs the other direction. That's fine. Bring it on you stupid octopussy's.

you pull out one of the dagurs, twirling it in your hand as you approach the man.

"So, doctor shah, do you regret torturing my mother yet?"

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