3. Memories

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'Remember me? What is that supposed to mean? And why does he keep calling me love and darling?'

You hear heavy muffled footsteps on the other side of the concrete and the green glow disappears. Loki is still holding on to your hand and he gives it a squeeze. You both stay dead silent.

"Are they down there?"

You don't recognize the voice. There's a pause. A different voice says

"no, no one is in the basement"

you let out a breath that you didn't know you were holding.

When you don't hear footsteps anymore the room is once again illuminated with a green glow. You realize that the room isn't just a room, it's some sort of tunnel but you can tell where it leads.

"Let us go"

Loki says and starts to lead you forward. You plant your feet and pull your hand away from him 'pull yourself together (y/n), you don't know this man'.

"Who are you really and why do you act like you know me? Who are those people and why are they after us? How did you know about this tunnel thing? Why did you just pop into my life? What am I supposed to be remembering? Why-"

He cuts off your flow of questions,

"(y/n), I truly wish I could tell you, but I cannot, you have to remember,"

he steps towards you and images flash through your mind.

Him. You. Your dream. Blood. Pain. Screaming people. Him with his arms around you. It's not your fault (y/n), it's not your fault. The words echo through your brain. You don't know if any of it's real, it's probably just your imagination, but the next thing you know you're on the floor with tears running down your face,

"I don't understand"

the words escape your lips as you look down at your hands palms up unwillingly imagining them covered in blood.

"I don't understand"

you repeat yourself quieter.

He kneels down on one knee in front of you and holds his hand out,

"we have to go, we will talk about this later, I promise, but right now we need to get to safety"

you look up at him with tears in your eyes, and hesitantly nod your head, adrenaline kicks in, you thought you were safe.

Loki helps you up and expertly guides you through the maze of winding tunnels. You struggle to keep up with his fast pace as he pulls you along.

Several thousand questions swirl through your mind. Why does he act like he knows you? Who are those people after you? What's with the tunnels and why didn't you know they were there? Where is he taking you? Why does he feel so familiar? And WHY THE HECK DID YOU LET YOURSELF FALL ASLEEP IN A STRANGERS ARMS!?!?

Your thoughts are interrupted when he speaks,

"right here, please open the door,"

you look where he pointed but you see no door. You touch the wall where he pointed, it's just cool smooth stone,

"what door?"

Loki looks disappointed,

"it's not actually a door, I just need you to open the wall and close it behind us like you did before"

you nod your head and do so, it's a bit easier this time but as you use your power the images flash through your mind again.

You and Loki, together.

On the other side of the wall you just went through there is a shiny black wall. Loki puts his left hand on the surface and there's a flash before you realize that the wall is actually a door that is now sliding open.

Loki goes towards it and gestures to you to come with him. The second you step through the door you hear a male semi-robotic voice,

"greetings Loki, greetings (y/n), good to see you again. Where would you like to go?"

Self proclaimed monsters (Loki x reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora