27. Just causing trouble

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You and Loki arrive at the bifrost and Thor arrives not too much later. You say your farewell to your horses and Heimdall. You already talked to Frigga this morning and she wished you well and hoped to see you again soon.

It's still dark out at the tower and you Loki and Thor just head to your rooms and go back to bed. You and Loki in the same room of course. When the sun comes up you go out to the kitchen to get some breakfast. Peter is in the kitchen.

"Hey Peter"

"Hey (y/n)"

He continues digging through the fridge and then seems to realize.


He hugs you and lifts you up in the air spinning you around.

Wanda comes out to see you after hearing Peter. She hugs you the second Peter puts you down.

"It's been so boring here without you"

Wanda lets you go and looks you over.

"Girl, I've missed you! It's so boring here without you!"

"Wanda, I was only gone for a little over a week"

"You're kidding me right? You've been gone for three and a half weeks!"

Peter speaks to JARVIS.

"Jarvis, (y/n) is home"

"Alerting the others mr Parker"

Soon you see the others arriving and head out to the mini Lounge to meet them.

When you've finished your greetings you step back and Loki comes up behind you and hugs you, setting his head on top of yours. Wanda, Peitro, Peter, and vision welcome Loki back. You notice that Tony seems like he hasn't slept in a while.

"Reindeer games! What the hell? You said you'd only be gone a week! It's been almost a month!"

Loki shrugs behind you

"Time passes differently on Asgard"

That seems a satisfying answer. Clint pushes through the group towards the kitchen.

"Step aside bitches I'm making pancakes"

A bunch of you cheer. Clint makes the best pancakes.


"Oh just cap"

Wanda sets the table with magic and the rest of you talk and wait for pancakes. Thor wanders over to the table. You tease him.

"Good morning sleepy head"

"Good morning lady (y/n)"

He sits down in his spot and sets Mjonir on the floor next to his chair. He has a deep connection to that hammer and it's honestly kinda weird. You smell the pancakes Clint is making and feel your stomach growl.

You look over to see the galaxy haired girl appear in the seat next to Thor's. Thor actually yelps and grabs Mjonir, holding it close to him. The girl laughs.

"Oh my gosh uncle Thor, I didn't think you would actually Yelp"

Loki stands and draws a knife, you can see others preparing for a fight.

"Who are you?"

The girl reclines there comfortably.

"My names Rosa, I'm your daughter"

You look between Loki and Rosa confused. He had a daughter? Rosa sees your expression and speaks directly to you.

"Don't worry mom, I'm your daughter too"

This doesn't help the confusion at all. In fact, it makes it worse. Loki narrows his eyes at the girl.

"What is your business here?"

"Just causing trouble"

She gracefully tips the chair back and slides out of it and into a portal that closes the second she's through. You look around at the team.

"Please tell me you all saw her this time"

Some of them nod their heads and you tell the team about all your encounters with her. Cap speaks up.

"Well if she lifted Mjonir then she's worthy right? So do we really have anything to worry about?"

The rest of breakfast goes by smoothly. You have to catch Clint up on what happened because he was busy in the kitchen but other than that it's not mentioned again.

The next few weeks go by smoothly. Loki works with Aka on speaking and you find out that you can actually talk to her with words in your mind without speaking out loud. This is a blessing and a curse. For one you can communicate with her better and you gain a better understanding of each other, but unfortunately she has discovered the Spider-Man theme song and won't stop singing it in your head.



'Quit it. I'm so sick of that song'

'Spider man, spider man,

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