30. Fenris and preperations

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~(y/n)'s POV~

"Just give me the stupid bird you imbeciles!"

Hela stands up as Mjonir flies back to Thor.

"That bird has my powers! Just give it to me!"

You finally put it together

"Ohh, so if you kill her you get your powers back?"


You look at the dove. Her bleeding has stopped and she's softly cooing as she lays limp in your hands.

"Sorry, but I can't let you do that"

"What? Are you going to try and take my powers for yourself?"

You and Loki make eye contact and it's almost tempting, but you shake your head and he nods in understanding.


She steps towards you and Loki starts to step between you but you wave him away. You gently hand the dove to Thor and he cups it in his hands and very gently pets it's head.

You shake yourself off and pull the knives out. It's been a while since you've had a good fight and you're up for the challenge. She glares at you and draws a knife. You shift to wolf form and crouch in a defensive position growling. To your surprise the second she sees you shift she drops to her knees and throws her knife to the side.

"My queen, I'm so sorry"

She bows to you with her face near the dirt and you Loki and Thor look at each other confused. You shift back to human.

"Please forgive me, I knew not what I was doing"

You wonder if this is some kind of trick but when she turns her face up to you her eyes are streaming with tears.

"Please. I need my Fenris back."

You have Loki heal the dove and you're not sure what to do with Hela but you're bleeding and starting to feel the pain of the stab wounds. You sit down, feeling light headed. Loki realizes what's wrong and heals you.

"You shouldn't have come without me"

"Sorry, thanks for coming"

The four of you sit and talk and the newly healed dove sits on your shoulder. Hela doesn't make a single move to harm the dove. You find out that when she was banished to the woods your mother and the other wolves adopted her. She was integrated into the group right under your mother.

The gifted wolf is the queen of the woods. That's why she called you queen. She explained how after your mother died the other wolves abandoned her and went somewhere else, because of that she went absolutely mad with grief and rage.

She also told you about you her best friend was locked up. Fenris is her name. Fenris is a giant wolf and they locked her up unjustly. One with the gift of wolf is the only one that can get her out. Your mother was going to get Fenris out but she died before she had the chance.

"If I can have Fenris back, I would give up my powers forever, I would do anything to get her back"

As she says that there's a green glow around her and suddenly the glow goes into her body. She arches her back as it enters her and breathes in deeply. Then she relaxes and looks down at her hands.

"It couldn't be.."

She causes a spike of metal to impale a tree then looks at her hands in amazement.

"My powers... they're back"

She steps towards you and you stiffen, you know how powerful she is with her powers. She doesn't attack.

"I need your help"

Loki steps in,

"Why should we help you with anything?"

"There is no 'we' dipshit, I need her help"

She gestures to you. Loki summons a dagger and his fist tightens around it. You put your hand on his shoulder.

"Let's all go back to the palace, we can discuss this more there"

The four of you walk out of the woods and Raven and Abby are waiting for you. You and Loki calm them down and they go back to their field, the four of you walk back to the palace and the second you step in Hela is practically tackled by Frigga.

"Hela! You're back!"

Tears stream down both their faces and they hug tightly.

"Mom. I thought I'd never see you again"

After that you get Hela settled into the palace and Frigga explains to you all about the golden dove. As it turns out, the dove is actually a spirit guide assigned to Hela. She didn't actually have Hela's powers, she was just there to help Hela get back on the right path.

You also found out that killing a spirit guide will curse someone for the rest of their life. It's a good thing none of you did.

You complete the challenge to get Fenris free and the reunion is adorable.

In the next couple of months you and Loki are back and forth between Asgard and Midgard. You work a lot with Frigga to plan your wedding and she is very excited. She even comes to Midgard to see you and help plan. Loki is very excited about showing her pancakes and she loves them.

You're going to be able to bring the whole team to Asgard with you for your wedding. You're excited to show them Asgard, even though they can't stay long.

You choose Nat and Wanda as your bridesmaids and Loki chooses Thor as his best man. It was fun to go dress shopping with Frigga, Nat, and Wanda. You don't end up buying a dress, instead, Frigga says she'll have one made for you.

Finally it's the day before your wedding and you and the team head up to to roof. Thor lifts Mjonir.

"Hiemdall, open the bifrost!"

The rainbow lights appear around you and you're sucked up into the sky. You, Loki, and Thor are used to traveling by bifrost so you're not affected. However, most of the others fall on their faces. Tony speaks to you with Sarcasm,

"Gee thanks for the warning"

You chuckle

"I'm sorry"

"I'm not"

You look up to see Loki smiling as the others stand up. Hiemdall greets you all and there are horses waiting for you there. Not everyone knows how to ride a horse.

"Don't worry, they'll listen to Loki's horse. His name is Raven."

"That's what I'm worried about"

You roll your eyes at Tony.

"Relax, it's fine"

All the horses have saddles except for Raven and Abby. everyone mounts a horse except for Peitro who insists he'll run. You hear the rhythmic clip clopping of hooves as you go. You get to the palace and show everyone to their temporary rooms. When you get back to your room you start to get more anxious.

Tomorrow's your wedding day. And your wedding night.

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