48. Glasses

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~Rosa POV~

You're on asgard for 5 days before you get to come back to the tower. When you get back there is snow on the roof. You scoop up some snow in your hands and everywhere the snow touches you you turn blue. You drop the snow and look at your now blue hands in amazement. Aunt Hela sees and her eyes go wide for a split second before she goes back to her usual chill expression.

"Jarvis, tell Aka and Loki to get their asses up here right now"

"yes miss grim reaper"      

Hela doesn't usually use Jarvin but you pay her no attention as you examine your hands. you focus on the blue and you figure out that you can control it. You practice making the blue go up and down your arms and legs. you recognize that it is very cold out but it doesn't bother you. You focus and soon your whole body turns blue. You reach up and feel that there are horns on your head.

in a second mom and dad run out onto the roof and gasp when they see you.

"mommy! daddy! look I'm blue!"

they laugh but still look very worried. as dad steps in the snow you see that his skin turns blue just like yours did. Mom reaches to touch you but dad stops her.

"no don't. You cant touch her when she's like this"

You look back and fourth between them confused. You shift back except that the places where snow touches you. You cant get rid of the blue when the snow touches you. Your parents look very concerned.

"daddy? is something wrong with me? why can't mommy touch me?"

he gets down on one knee so he's on your level and brushes your cheek with his thumb.

"No darling, nothing's wrong with you. You're perfect"

He kisses your forehead and scoops you up into his arms to take you inside. When you're out of the cold you have full control of your form. Mom and dad sit you down in the living room. Dad speaks first

"there's something we need to talk about."

"Why did I turn blue?"

Dad closes his eyes and his skin turns blue with cool markings. Horns show up on his head and when he opens his eyes they are crimson red. Mom answers you,

"You're half jotun."

"You mean like frost giants?"



you look down at your hands and turn them blue and back. You've read the stories about wars between Asgard and Jotunhiem. You look up at mom

"Does that mean I'm a monster?"

she comes over and hugs you

"No no no baby, you're not a monster"

Dad comes over to you and kneels, careful not to touch mom.

"Rosa, look at me"

you look at his Jotun form. he's blue with cool markings on his skin. His eyes are red but not in a creepy way.  Looking at this form you could call him beautiful.

"am I a monster?"

you shake your head

"no daddy you're not a monster"

"then neither are you"

when he touches your skin while he's blue, yours turns blue as well. You shift to Jotun form and realize that you have cool markings on you much like he does.

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