51. Steak

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~Aka pov~

You wake up to Rosa and Nova jumping up and down on you. You sit up and turn to Aka, she's in hybrid form.

"Do you wanna take Rose or Nova?"

"I'll take Nova"

"Okay then I got Rose"

The three of you get out of bed and you grab Rose's hand.

"Come on Rose, let's go get some breakfast"

You, Aka, Nova, Rosa, and Loki head down to the kitchen.  Once again you turn to Aka.

"Do you wanna cook or should I?"

Loki answers before Aka can

"I got this"

Nova and Rosa chase each other around giggling as you and Aka look at Loki in surprise.

"When did you learn to cook?"
"When did you learn to cook?"

He smiles

"I've been practicing"

Aka responds

"Is that why the kitchen smelled of smoke the other day?"

Loki rolls his eyes

"Oh hush"

You giggle and high five Aka as Loki turns to open the fridge. You two are quite the duo. You watch in amazement as Loki makes a delicious looking breakfast.

He makes tons of fluffy pancakes and sweet smelling fruit sauce. Your mouth waters as he makes plates for everyone. The team members come get their plates and everyone moves to the table.

"Wow, these are really yummy dad"

You look as Nova is stuffing her face with pancakes.

"Yeah dad, I didn't know you could cook"

You all laugh except for Loki who just smiles and rolls his eyes.

"Just because I'm a prince doesn't mean I can't cook"

You continue eating in peace and when you're done Tony comments.

"Why are you all in hybrid form?"

"We can't shift"
"We can't shift"
"We can't shift"
"We can't shift"


You keep the kids in the tower because you fear the press seeing all four of you. You take them down to the training room and let them play there.

~Rosa pov~

You wake up the next morning as a wolf. Nova is a wolf too. You hop out of bed and run over to the door. The problem is: neither of you can reach the nob. You both jump up trying to reach it but even if you could you probably wouldn't be able to turn it. You both scratch and whine at the door. You do this so much that the door actually cracks. Right then Tony opens the door.

"JEEZ. You all need to stop breaking the damn tower"

The two of you play around on your way down the hall and when you get to your parents' room you scratch at the door and Dad immediately opens it. Your moms both come out. They look different in their wolf forms. Now that you think about it, you and Nova look different too. Akamom and Nova look more natural colors than you and Sparksmom.

The five of you head to the lounge and Loki points at you.

"Alright, all of you stay here, I'll be right back"

He teleports away and you go back to playing. Clint walks in,

"What the hell?"

You all look at him and then your attention is drawn away by Muffin. You and Nova both start stalking and Clint starts to panic.

"hey, nonononono!"

Clint steps in front of Muffin but you continue to stalk. He attempts to pick Muffin up but muffin hisses and bats his hand. Muffin does not want to be picked up.

"Hey! I'm trying to help you!"

Right then Wanda walks in.

"what's going on?"

"Wanda! Please help!"

Wanda sees what's going on and a bag of treats go through the air to her hand. she opens the bag and they smell delicious. all four of you turn to her and she calls you over.

"well come on, you can have some"

You all run over to her and she gives you each a treat giggling at your eagerness. Loki reappears with a bag. The bag smells amazing. You all run over to him and your mouth is watering as he pulls raw steaks out of the bag.

Everyone starts filing in as Loki tosses the four of you steaks. The steaks are delicious. when you turn you see Thor walking in and everyone else already there. You remember Muffin. Damn, they distracted you. Muffin is nowhere in sight. you greet everyone and then start sniffing around. you know those treats are around here somewhere.

You disregard everyone else as you sniff for the treats. You search for the smell of both the treats and Wanda because she's generally the only one who touches the bag. Found it. You follow the scent through the air to a shelf. You stand on your hind legs but you cant reach. You decide that the best option is to knock the shelf over.

You knock it over and everyone turns to you. They start to get up and you snatch the bag of treats and run down the hall. The humans chase but can't keep up. You get a suprise when you see dad in wolf form right behind you. You try to yell 'that one's evil but it comes out as barks. He catches up with you and grabs your scruff. You don't let go of the treat bag as Dad carries you back to the others.

Wanda gently pries the treat bag out off your mouth.

"sorry but you can't eat all those, they'll make you sick"

Dad lets you go and turns back. You sit at Wanda's feet and give her your best puppy dog eyes.

"No I'm sorry, if I give you a treat I have to give one to everyone and you know these are for Fenris"

You sit at her feet and she holds the bag of treats out to the side

"Peitro please hide these where they won't find them"

there's a swoosh and the treats are gone. You pout and Tony speaks.

"Alright I think it's time for a field trip"

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