46. Big puppy(Fenris)

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~Rosa's POV~

Playing in the woods with mom and dad was fun but you couldn't stay out all night because you had school the next day. Celebrating with family was also fun and you got lots of cool presents.

When you head to school the next day you're not too excited to be there but you're quickly cheered up when you find that the teacher brought you cupcakes. She apologizes and announces to the class that it's your birthday. You have a really fun day at school but when you get home the other avengers aren't there. You only see Casey.

"Hey Rosa, the others are gone on a mission so I'm here till they get back"

you drop your stuff and immediately start bugging him.

"what's your job?"

"well right now my job is to be taking care of you"

"Yeah, but what's your real job?"

"well, it really depends- hey! are you supposed to be up there?"

you get up into your hammock much to Casey's concern. You could easily teleport up there but you prefer to bounce on the couch and jump up there because it scares people. you laugh as Casey worries underneath you ready to catch you if you fall. you hang upside down from the hammock swinging back and forth and casey frets.

"Rose please don't fall"

You side out of the hammock with an 'oops' but before you can hit the ground you teleport behind him. He jumps when he sees you behind him and hugs you.

"oh my god Rose don't do that. your parents will have my head if you get so much as a scratch."

He turns on Pokemon for you and you sit and watch that for a while before you hear the ding of the elevator. The doors slide open.

"Aunt Hela!"

you run and hug her and she pats your head.

"did you bring big puppy?"

Hela steps aside and a large husky steps out of the elevator to you. you shift to wolf and greet the Husky. she smells like big puppy. you look to aunt Hela for an explanation.

"Yes that's Fenris, this is her Midgardian form"

you play bow at big puppy and the two of you run up and down the halls and around the lounge playing and goofing off. Hela says casually to Casey who looks like he saw a ghost

"I'm Hela"

Casey bows on one knee

"why the honor of this visit your highness?"

Hela looks down at Casey with a smile. total dom energy, not that you would know. you may or may not have found one of mommy's secret books.

"I'm here to take care of my niece"

Casey stands up looking concerned

"I-I'm doing that"

"they'll be gone for a good portion of the night so I'm here to take your place, I'll be better at it of course"

"b-but I-I'm-"

"do you really want to argue with the goddess of death?"

Hela holds a dagger in her hand and Casey shakes his head vigorously. you see the situation and run over shifting to hybrid.

"aunt Hela, please don't scare our new friend"

you turn to Casey and hug him

"Sorry Casey"

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