Chapter 106

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I heard the door of our bedroom opening softly and I looked at the clock to read the time. It read eight thirty, and then I saw Cali approaching the bed almost tip toeing. I took my finger to my lips to tell her to hush and she took both her little hands to her mouth holding her laughter. She was so sweet and funny but so gentle. She made no noise which is so unusual for a kid her age at the time. I raised the covers as she got near and Cali climbed on the bed, snuggling with me and I kissed her forehead.

"Good morning princess." I told her, caressing her hair. "Did you sleep well?" I asked. Cali just nodded still showing signs of being sleepy.

"I'm hungry." She said, talking a bit loud and James stirred in his sleep but didn't wake up.

"You are?" I whispered and she nodded again with her huge blue eyes staring at me. "Let's go eat, then." I said.

I just picked her up and got out of bed. I chose some clothes and left to the other bathroom. I gave Cali a bath and dressed her up and then I showered myself and got dressed, taking Cali with me to the kitchen right after. Disco greeted us as we reached him and Cali immediately buried her hands in Disco's fur and the dog licked her face. This is how good friends they were. I let her play as I prepared breakfast for us. I made some pancakes, because I knew she loved it, and coffee for me and milk for her. When everything was ready I washed her hands and we both sat at the table. We ate with Disco watching us fiercely waiting for his share of our breakfast, which reminded me that I hadn't fed him. I finished eating before Cali did, so I got up from the table and fed Disco. He just devoured his food. Our poor dog was starving, and I had made him wait. Cali was watching him and giggling.

"Cali wanna go for a walk sweetie? Wanna go see Lira?" I asked her.

"Yes." She responded with her childish voice and nodding franticly.

I guess Cali just had a passion for dogs, so she loved going to my parent's because of Lira, their dog. So, when she finished, I put everything in the dishwasher and then took her to the bathroom again to wash her hands and face, for it was filled with jelly from the pancakes. She still made a mess eating, but that's part of growing up too. As I didn't know if it was cold or not, I picked up a jacket for her. Then, I called Disco. Obviously, Disco wanted to go too and we left the house right after. James stayed sleeping.

The day was warm, but I still put the jacket on Cali for there was a breeze blowing and I didn't want to risk it. The sun was shining bright, and the sky was so blue, just with one or two clouds. Those that seem fluffy and you think it's cotton when you are a kid. I love to look at it and still fantasize about what we can see in their shapes. We walked. It was a good exercise for me and for Disco too, and Cali... she was just too distracted to be tired. Disco was running in front of us, sniffing in every corner. Sometimes, he waited for us and then, when we were near enough, he started running again. Cali was by my hand and we stopped here and there to catch flowers. She loved to do that, and it reminded me of when I was a kid. I guess that's a girly thing to do. When we got there, I rang the bell and Cali held on to my leg and Disco was the most impatient, sticking his nose on the gate waiting for it to open. I even laughed watching him as he was so anxious. As soon as my mother opened the gate, he ran inside as fast as a bullet reaching Lira in seconds, barking, and jumping. Cali ran to Lira too.

"She's so sweet." My mother said while watching her.

"I'm in love with her. She's really lovely." I said, giving my mother a kiss.

"Where's James?" She asked.

"Still sleeping. I let him sleep. He hasn't been sleeping much lately with all the problems with the band, so he needs to rest." I explained.

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