Chapter 35

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When I got to the TV station Gary was already there and Lil, who was supposed to attend it too, stayed at home because she wasn't feeling good. I was taken to a small room after my makeup up and hair was done and I was glad that I was given a bit of privacy before an interview that I was incredibly nervous to give.

"I am a bit nervous." I said, looking at Gary who was drinking water and being rather quiet.

"Prepare yourself to be asked about what happened at the MTV Awards." He told me.

"I know." I took a deep breath and nodded.

I knew that subject was going to be brought up. There was not a chance a TV presenter was going to miss out the chance to yank some information about a fresh hot scandal at one of the most famous music events. It was all so fresh that it would be impossible to avoid it and my fear was exactly that.

"I don't wanna answer anything related to James." I told him feeling my chest about to explode. "I don't want to talk about him or us or anything. Our life belongs to us. Our matters are our own..."

"You don't have to." Gary eased me. "It's your personal life" He said. "But the press has been crucifying him for what he's done and let's face it, now people are curious about the two of you."

"The press has been quite harsh on him." I said too.

"It had." Gary affirmed again.

"Well, but I don't have anything to say regarding that matter." I told him. "I got everything sorted out with him and that's what really matters."

"You have?" He asked, smiling. "You guys talked? Because it really looked like you two needed to talk..."

"Yeah...we talked." I said serious.

"You don't seem that happy, what happened?" Gary asked me.

"A love story gone incredibly wrong." I sighed.

"Be more specific." Gary asked me and I told him the whole story. He listened to it attentively and then he grabbed my hand and stroke it, giving me support. "I don't know what to tell you. Lea." He caressed my face. "But being friends? Is that a solution? Are you guys going to be strong enough to resist temptation?" He asked all these questions that not even us could answer. I shrugged.

"I don't know." I shook my head lightly. "Everything is such a mess. My heart yells his name every time it beats. My head and my reason, tell me it's better this way." I paused, looking at him and tears came to my eyes. "I don't know what to think or what to do. This is very hard..."

"I can imagine..." Meanwhile, someone knocked on the door interrupting out conversation.

"Miss. Santoro?" I heard a man's voice calling me right after.

"Yes." I responded, cleaning my eyes so my tears would dry. The door opened softly after the sound of my voice and a head appeared peeping.

"It's time to go." The young man smiled.

"Alright." I smiled at him but feeling like I was going to die.

Gary and I followed him and I entered the studio almost shaking for I was so nervous. I sat in a comfortable green couch in front of the tv host and we started live right after the commercials. The interview was well conducted. I talked about my childhood, about growing up in Madrid, about my first experiences as a model, coming to London, going to New York, my expectations about the American market. Everything was going well and I began to relax, until he finally talked about the MTV awards.

"It's impossible not to mention in this interview about the incident at the MTV Europe Music awards party." He started, catching me off guard. At that point, I didn't think he was going to bring it up. "You were in every newspaper together with one of the most famous rock stars of the moment. A lot of people are wondering if you know James Hetfield or not, though there are images of the two of you leaving a party a few years back."

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