Chapter 56

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James left to the studio early in the morning with the promise he would come back to have dinner with me. He would always leave the studio late in the evening, so in the last month we didn't have much time for ourselves. We didn't have time to actually spend some quality time together. Last night was the first night, we actually had dinner together in a month. So, James was going to talk with the guys as he didn't want to stay in the studio until so late. Maybe they could reach a mid-term, but I knew it could turn into a huge fight.

I didn't know how the other would take the news, but they all had girlfriends and Lars was married so I thought they would understand his need to spend more time at home with me. I was glad he came to that conclusion by himself. I never told him anything. I always coped with his schedules. I would never interfere in his career; in the time he dedicates to it. It's his thing. It's up to him, but it was obvious that he couldn't just suppress entirely our relationship and live only for his career. As well as I should not do the same with mine. I think James never had the need to think things out that way until the moment we moved in together and he was in a serious relationship for the first time.

I just spent my day at home. After breakfast, I took Disco to the beach and played with him for a while. I laughed too much when he tried to eat sand. You gotta love puppies. The rest of the morning, I spent putting my books on shelves of the library. I also managed to plug our Stereo System in the living room. I organized the tower of my CD's and James's too and I took the crystal glasses out of the boxes and put it in the dish washer. I did the same to the cutlery, and finally I did the same to the porcelain. After washing it all, I put everything in the cupboard we had near the table in the living room. Our living room was divided in two spaces. The space where we had the couch, the TV, and the stereo and then the part where we had the table and the cupboard, as dining room.

I took Disco several times outside doing a break of my work to teach him to pee outdoors, even though I had to clean my floor a couple of times. It's harder to train a puppy than you might think. I made a salad for lunch and decided to study the rest of the afternoon. As my library was still missing the desk, I used the table in the living room to study. I was lost in my Biology and Anatomy books when my phone rung. I was so happy to see it was my mother.

"Hi mom." I said getting up and crashing on my couch.

"Hey sweetie, how are you?" She said on the other side.

"I'm doing great. How are you and dad?"

"We are fine. Dad is in New York; he's coming back tomorrow. So, how's the new house?" She asked sounding enthusiastic.

"Oh mom... it's so wonderful. We just spent the first night here. It's so great. You wake up in the morning and you hear the sea, it's so peaceful."

"And how's James treating you?" She asked in a more serious tone.

"Everything is fine. He's been great. He's in the studio but he's taking a couple of weeks off, starting the end of this week." I told her to rest her a bit. She was still a bit apprehensive with our relationship.

"You know I like him Lea, but the fact that he is a Rockstar worries me." She said. I knew it though.

"Rock starts are human beings mom." I said laughing.

"I know that but you know what I mean. His lifestyle, his past..." She continued.

"Don't worry about that." I rested her heart. "He's been great. Honestly, we are happy. He's been trying to change and he's really putting some effort in our relationship."

"That's a good thing. I don't know if I should but I like him. Now your father has been having trouble accepting this. He's still not that happy about his little girl dating a rock star and you know the fact that James is a lot older is not helping. He says he's gonna have a serious talk with him when we get there." My mother laughed in the end. I giggled too.

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