Chapter 61

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Dinner went pretty fine. We went to a Mexican. James and I exchanged guilty looks the whole night. I could only hope my parents didn't hear us in the shower. Suddenly, all I could think of was if we had been too noisy. If we had taken too long. If they had to do something in their bedroom and heard us from the hallway. I became paranoid. Still, I was able to maintain a coherent conversation and even let go of my mind a little bit.

After dinner, we decided to go dancing. We took my parents to the dance club I used to go with the girls. They loved rock music. That is the primary reason why I got into rock music. Metal came later. James and my father stayed at the table talking, while I went dancing with my mother. A great thing to have a young mom is that you can go out with her and have fun just as if you were with one of your friends. I loved the fact that my parents were so young, it gave me a whole new perspective of life. I also didn't have the shock my friends used to have with their parents. The generation gap... As mine understood me pretty well, and the fact that I became a model really young brought me independence sooner.

I was drinking a beer. James already knew I'd have a Corona with a lemon slice in it, so he didn't even ask, he simply put one in my hand. My mother had an orange juice. She hated alcoholic drinks. Both James and my dad were having beers, Budweiser. I don't know how my father liked that beer. I guess he got used to it when he started flying to the United States. My mother got tired and joined them in the table. I continued dancing all alone. I don't know where I would get the energy, but when I was dancing I wasn't able to stop. Also, the music at that place was incredibly good. Some old rock stuff from the 80's. I was delighted. After a while, I saw James leaving the table and walking in my direction

"Do you want another one?" He spoke in my ear. I just shoved my hands in his back pockets and kept on dancing. My body glued to his

"I want you to dance with me." I said, moving against his body.

"I can't dance!" He argued, rolling his eyes. "You know that!"

"Yes, you can... " I smiled. "I've seen it. We've done it..." I kept on moving glued on him.

James looked down at my face with his saucy smirk. I knew him too well by then and I knew his mind was drifting. I also knew what I was doing. He had all the right to be drifting.

"I won't be able to dance if you keep on moving that way." He finally said.

I couldn't resist him. I raised my feet a bit and kissed him. Who cared if my parents were watching. James looked up when our lips were still glued and smiled.

"Your father is looking at us." He spoke against my lips.

"Shit..." I whispered

I started laughing and let go of him. I continued laughing and waved my empty bottle at him, meaning I wanted another one. He joined me a couple of minutes later and gave me my beer. Then, James turned his back at me and was walking away to the table but I took a hand to his belt and brought him back.

"Oh, Lea..." He complained a little bit.

"Dance with me." I asked.

We danced together for a while and then both my parents joined us. My father is just like James. He never dances, so watching them dancing along was absolutely fun. But both of them held us tight as the music changed to love songs. Usually, James danced the slow songs with me. Always. It was very funny to see my parents dancing as closed as we were and it was pretty clear they were still in love with each other. I wondered for a moment if when I reached their age, I would be still in love with James, or even if we would be together. I've always wanted what my parents have. James brought me back to reality with a kiss.

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