Chapter 50

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"Medical school?" Lil was as shocked as I was when I saw the folder. "Wow... he sure thinks about you. I mean, he searched for the stuff and everything. He's so sweet!" She said in the end. "I never thought of him as someone so thoughtful... I swear... I am baffled."

"I know." I smiled. "I read the whole thing last night. Now, I'm all excited! The test is in January. I still have time to apply although I don't have the slightest idea where to start studying."

"Skylar can help you." Lil remembered. "She's a doctor and it's biology, hopefully nothing too difficult."

"I don't have time for this course, I would have to cut on my work." I said.

"Seems to me that you have some things to figure out." She smiled.

"I don't, not at all." I said. "I cannot slack on my work on such short notice. There's a lot of things scheduled already." I explained.

"Where's James?" She asked me.

"Having a shower. It's such a pain in the ass that I have to leave him today." I complained.

"Get used to it. It's not just today and due to his job he might be away too." Lil reminded me.

"You're right, but I don't like just to leave him." I pretended I pouted. "It's my right not wanting to let go." I laughed.

"Are you taking him to the party tomorrow?" Lil asked.

"What party?" James asked as he arrived in the living room.

"Tomorrow... Bon Jovi is releasing their new single. They're having a party and as your girlfriend is a star in the video clip, she must be there." Lil explained.

"I don't know if it's such a good idea." I said. I knew James hated Bon Jovi with all his soul. He was constantly mocking them.

"You don't want me to go with you? James asked instead.

"No..." I told him. "That's not it but don't you think it's too early to appear in a public event like that. I mean the press from around the world is gonna be there and you're just recently separated." I said. "Isn't that weird?"

"That's none of their business." He exclaimed. "We don't have to explain anything to anyone. It's our life but if you don't want me to go..."

"I do." I rolled my eyes. " Don't put things like that. If you want to come, I'd like to go to that party with you." I told him.

"Great!" Lil said. "Tomorrow the press is gonna have a full hand of news." She laughed.

"Starting today actually." James said. "Lea, I'd like to go to your show today."

"Lil, can you pick up James on your way there?" I asked her but looking at James in the eye. He smiled at me, knowing I was facing the world with him.

"Of course, I'll call you to settle the hours." She told him.

"Good. Now I have to get going. I don't wanna be late." He said giving me a kiss and saying goodbye to Lil.

"Where is he going?" She asked me, seeing him leave in a hurry.

"He's having lunch with a friend. He has to do something while I'm gone." I said picking up my purse. "Guess it's my time too." I puffed.

I had a fast lunch on my way to the museum. Our fashion show that day was at a museum. We rehearsed most of the afternoon and as the hour of the show approached; we had a light dinner and then then we went straight it to do our hair and makeup. I was a bit nervous because James was going to be there. It made me nervous that he was going to see me on the catwalk. Stupid, isn't it? But I guess it's the same when he told me once, he was nervous I was going to see him singing. He was on the front row sitting next to Lil. He smiled when I approached them. I saw some flashes hitting him. The press still remembered the MTV incident and his presence in one of my fashions shows was causing curiosity and would obviously cause rumors.

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