Chapter 67

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The next morning, I woke up to the buzz sound of James's cell vibrating on the bed side table. As he was still sleeping, I crawled over him to get the cell, and he didn't even move. I don't think he even felt my presence. My head was heavy and pounding strongly, and I was still very sleepy. I looked at the display and saw it was Lars. Then, I looked at the time and it read 11.30 am on the alarm clock on my side of the bed. No wonder I was still sleepy. I had been sleeping for less than 7 hours and I was still a bit drunk, I could tell. Maybe a bit high too... I took the call anyway.

"Hello." I said in a low tone, not only didn't I want to wake up James but also I couldn't speak any louder than that, my head was aching too much.

"Hello?" Lars yelled on the other side, making me cringe and wince at the same time. "Where the fuck is he?" I frowned at the sound of his voice.

"Good morning Lars." I said first of all. " He's sleeping. He's not feeling alright, that's why he didn't show up." I told him.

"What's the matter with him? And with you? You don't sound alright either." He stated.

"I was still sleeping. He's a bit sick, that's all. He'll be alright tomorrow, don't worry."

"I hope so. I'll step by later on my way home, alright?" He told me.

"Ok. If you want to." I said, wishing he'd just hang up; my stomach was turning upside down and I needed to throw up again. "Look Lars, I really have to go... see you later." I just hung up without letting him say anything else.

I crawled out of bed and went to the toilet. I felt my stomach coming up to my mouth as my vomit was so intense. It sure was a lesson for not drinking ever again. After the fight in the bathroom, I managed to reach the kitchen. I made some tea and drank it. I also let Disco go to the yard and fed him. Not only I couldn't speak, but I could barely move. I had to do everything slowly so I wouldn't have the feeling that my head would just tear apart and crush on the floor in small pieces. The lowest of the noises was a torment in my head. I just wanted to go back to bed. And I did so, as soon as I was finished with my tea. I must have passed out as soon as I hit the sheets, because I woke up to what it seemed to me a few minutes but it was in fact a couple of hours as it was 3 pm. James rolled on the bed and turned to my side, opening his eyes really slowly. Blinking a few times before could keep them open. He frowned before saying anything, so I knew he was feeling as bad as I was. He just managed to keep everything in his stomach, unlike me.

"That bad?" I asked him.

"Oooh... don't say anything." He said, taking a hand to his head and tapping softly.

"Lars called, he said he would stop by on his way home." I told him.

"Then, we better get up. He'll be here in about an hour or so." He said, trying to get up but hit the pillow right after. "Are you feeling this bad babe?" He asked me.

"I am. I got up right after talking to Lars and threw up again. Then, I had a cup of tea and felt better." I told him.

"Aww... poor thing." He said, embracing me and kissing me on the top of my head. "I think a shower will fix part of this, and then a cup of coffee." He said. His voice still low, just as mine. I felt like I had a drum set in my head. "Come here, baby." James told me in a very sweet voice and held me in his arms and carried me to the shower.

"That was very sweet." I said, kissing him when he put me down.

"Anything for my baby." James smiled.

He started to undress me, and I raised my arms so he could pull the shirt of my pajama off my head. I took my feet out of the pants when he pulled it down too. He opened the water and when it was warm enough, he told me to get in. I did as he said. I placed myself just under the water, watching him getting rid of his shorts and his shirt. Life was coming back to my body, but my head was still a huge problem. James stepped inside the shower and pulled me to him. I wrapped my arms around him and rested my head on his shoulder. He rested his chin on top of my head, placing us both under the water. We stayed still for a while just letting the water running down on us, not saying a word, as if that was gonna fix us. Then, James just pulled me away gently and drenched my hair with water, running his fingers through it.

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