Chapter 57

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James left really early in the morning. I almost felt sorry for him for I could tell his brain was shut down after our late night out. I was quite sure his ideas were going to be limited, as he even stated his head was hurting. I made him a good breakfast though and gave him a pill so he could cope with the lack of sleep. I went back to bed as soon as he left, as I was feeling really tired. I woke up a couple of hours later. It was around 11.30 am. I took a shower and got dressed, because Lani was coming to visit and to have lunch with me.

When I came back downstairs, I fed Disco and then I took him for a walk at the beach. I took the cell phone with me just in case someone would call me and stayed about an hour outside playing with the dog. I tapped his fur before when we got back to the home because it was filled with sand. Disco was always trying to catch my hand as he thought I was playing with him. The dog was energetic. He never stopped. As I still had some time, I decided to empty a few more boxes so I scattered some pottery over the furniture. I put some candles in the living room and some in the bathroom too. I put the towels and the sheets in the wardrobe we had in the hallway upstairs, as well as the covers. Seeing it was almost time for lunch, I went to the kitchen and started getting lunch ready. I was going to make Spaghetti Bolognese. I was finishing setting the table when Lani arrived. I opened the gate and she parked in front of our door.

"Hey there!" She greeted me as she was walking towards me.

"How are you?" I asked, hugging her.

"Busy, don't ever get married! It sucks taking care of all the details." She laughed, but one could see in her face how happy she was.

"It's almost over. It's in a month." I told her

"Can't wait." She smiled. "That's the truth. I can't wait not because of the wedding stuff but because I love him and it will be an honor to be his wife."

"I'm so happy for you." I told her and hugged her again. "Come..." I said when I pulled away. "Let's take a look around the house."

"I am curious!" Lani giggled while I pulled her by her hand.

I showed her the house and apologized for still having some boxes in the hallway, but I still didn't have time to get everything ready. There were only a couple left now, not many. Lani loved everything and I explained what I wanted to buy and where to put it. I still had to go shopping but I was leaving that for next week as James was on holidays and we could do it together. We had lunch in the living room. Lani was impressed with the amount of books I had to study. I explained it was not much and that I was doing pretty good memorizing the subjects. I was really thrilled with the idea of doing medical school and I loved what I was studying. I found everything interesting and I was soaking all the knowledge. All of a sudden, Lani brought up a delicate subject: James wanting to spend less time in the studio.

"I didn't tell him anything, Lani." I started to tell. "He concluded it by himself. He felt the need to be home earlier and it's true, we need some time for us too." I added.

"I'm not complaining. I was really surprised he came up with that but it's a good thing. It's already hard to deal with the tours. Then coming home really late when they are in studio, leaves almost no time to dedicate to the relationship so I'm happy Kirk is coming home sooner too." She told me.

"Why don't you go on tour with him?" I asked.

It was a subject that made me curious. I knew they never brought the girls on tour. It was rare to see them on a show.

"Because it's their thing." Lani answered quietly. "Kirk never asked me to go with him so I just didn't ask to come either." She shrugged.

"I want to go on tour." I told her. I was not that easily satisfied." I know I won't be free the whole time but when I am, I wanna go." I said. "I love to see James play."

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