Chapter 58

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The next week James and I finished getting our house ready, except for the gymnasium. We bought a table and some chairs as well as some chaises. We bought a hammock and a grill, all this to our back yard. To the front porch, I filled the vases with daisies, yellow and white and we bought two rocking chairs. James started his room in the basement. It was not finished as he was drawing on one of the walls, but everything was painted in dark violet and there was a black sofa in it too. We thought about hanging Metallica's golden records on the wall and James wanted to keep all his vintage guitars in there too. He hung a few ones on the wall and it looked pretty good. There was gonna be a small studio table where he could record stuff too. His space was stunning.

We made our Christmas shopping too. It had taken us a whole day downtown to buy all the presents. We bought a dress to my mother that I've chosen and to my father James found this book about planes and the history of aviation that he thought my father would like. I thought so too, so he had a pretty cool idea. I didn't know what he had bought for me and obviously, he didn't know what my present for him was too but I bought him a 1968 Les Paul black vintage guitar. I knew he was after that one. It gave me a hard work finding it, but I managed to buy it. It was absolutely gorgeous. No wonder he was in love with it. I can't play and when I saw it, I was fascinated.

Our Christmas decoration was also done. We put some lights around the house. There were stockings by the fire place and the Christmas tree was right on the side. I scattered Christmas candles around the living room. We didn't have presents under the Christmas tree because Disco would chew it. The same reason why our tree was only half decorated, because we had to keep the decoration where he couldn't reach and even then our tree was a bit chewed on the bottom.

By then, Disco had chewed a couple of stuff. Fortunately for me, it was only James' clothes. The dog had a secret passion for him. He'd only chew his clothes and his shoes. I was the one that spent most of the time with him. I caressed him the most. James was the one spoiling his education, the one pissing him off, and biting him now and then. I think Disco just took revenge on his clothes. It was so funny when sometimes we'd catch him running around the house with a shoe or a shirt in his mouth. James would ask "Was that my shoe?" and I couldn't answer because I was laughing watching Disco running for his life because he knew James would be going after him. In the end, James ended up laughing too because the little fella was very sneaky. We never noticed when he was up to something. We only knew it when he passed by us running and dragging something in his mouth.

My parents would be arriving the next day around noon. They would spend a few days in New York so they wouldn't be so jetlagged. There's just a 3-hour gap between San Francisco and New York. I couldn't wait to see them. When I was in London, it was easier to see them as it was just a two-hour flight to Madrid but I hadn't seen them since I came to the United States, so I was a bit anxious.

"James did you keep all your magazines in a safe place? I don't want my parents to bump into your magazines around the house." I said, pulling the covers up.

"Yeah, everything is kept in our wardrobe but now that you mentioned it, I think I left a porn movie in the DVD." He said, laughing.

I rolled my eyes. "When were you watching porn?" I asked him.

"When you went to the supermarket. There was nothing interesting on TV so I just watched it." He grinned.

"You are such a perv, you know that?" I said, looking at him, but the stupid smile on my lips was invincible.

He dragged himself near me and wrapped his arm around me, pulling me to him and burying his face on my neck, kissing it.

"And I know you love it that way." He said, rubbing his nose on my cheek and running his hands over my breasts.

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