Chapter 64

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Time flew as an arrow. A month and a half had passed since Christmas. My parents came back to Spain right after New Year. I think they came back home more relaxed. Their relationship with James grew a lot and I think they are a bit more at ease for they had seen how my relationship was. Dee started living in town. I've helped her looking for a job. Unfortunately, she didn't find one easily. She was great company and we spent a lot of our free time together. I even took her with me to New York when I had to go there for a fashion show. On the other hand, Lil who was supposed to move to town around that time, was now in London and to stay. Unfortunately, Gary's mom passed away and they decided to stay there. I was crushed that my best friend was two oceans away, but we both had families by then. Claire was now my full-time agent. I missed Lil a lot, though we still talked on the phone as much as we could. Her baby was almost arriving to this world. My Lil was going to be a mother. Where did time go?

Kirk and Lani got married, but the poor couple didn't even have a proper honeymoon. Kirk left for a couple of days, but then had to return to the studio. Honestly, I think that wasn't fair. He could have stayed away a little longer. Sky was almost giving birth too. She was not working anymore, and she had been spending a lot of time with me and Dee. She also helped me with my exam, which I had made a week before. It went pretty well, I guess. The interview was also good. I was extremely anxious to know the result though. I wanted so much to get in the school. Since I learned a bit more about biology and anatomy, that things were even more interesting to me. I had found my call.

Francesca gave birth to Cali meanwhile. Just like she had always said, she didn't let James visit her or the baby in the hospital. In fact, no one related to him. Her family were the only ones who had the permission to visit. She could be so cold... so mentalist... manipulative. We knew she had given birth because it was in the hospital where Sky works and a friend of her called her telling her about the news. James flew to the hospital right away and Lars was the one calling me to tell me about it. I met James in there. I still remember getting in there and James yelling in the secretary that he had the right see the baby. He was devastated. He was so crushed and got really drunk that same night.

So, after a month, he still hadn't met his daughter. He had gotten home drunk twice this week and even kicked Disco away. I felt like kicking him too, but then I don't think it would be good to pick a fight while he was drunk. It's not like he was going to retain what I wanted to tell him. It wasn't an easy month. That's all I can say. Even if I tried to help him, it was like it was not enough. He didn't drink every day, but I was so afraid he'd fell into old habits, and he was not easy to deal with when he under the influence. He always apologized the next day, and I do think he was being sincere, but I prayed for him to stay away from that path. It would destroy him and everything around him. Including our relationship.

For these reasons I have decided to go talk to Francesca. Enough was enough and I decided to step up. She didn't have the right to keep Cali away from her father, and I couldn't just watch James destroy himself and do nothing. It was too painful to see him cry and then to see him drinking his pain away. And then crying the next day because he regretted it. As I didn't know where she lived, Lani drove me there.

"You're so quiet Lea." She said while driving.

"I'm thinking about my speech to convince her." I said. "I know this is not going to be an easy conversation."

"Is that just it?" She asked.

"I'm also worried about James." I confessed. "He's been drinking. I mean not like every day, but he showed up at home drunk twice this week. I'm afraid he's going to start drinking again."

"He talked to Kirk about that." I looked at her surprised. James was talking about it? "He said, he was going to stop because he didn't want to ruin your relationship. And he was too disappointed he had kicked Disco; he was sad about that."

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