Chapter 26

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James's POV

Four years have passed...


Time passed by but I still remembered her like it had been yesterday. Time eased the pain but it was not enough to forget her. Leandra was everywhere.

It was just another trip to England like so many other times in the last four years, but this time it would be so different. The other times, I knew it would be very hard to see Leandra if not impossible. Most of the times we had been there to play, so our permanence in town was minor and I was not the type of going out much. This time though we were playing at the MTV Europe Music Awards for our record was a success and Leandra was a fashion icon by then. Like I said... she was everywhere. When I was making my way from the airport to the hotel, I saw an outdoor with her image on it. My heart raced so much that very instant. She was so perfect and beautiful. I stared at it for a while when my ride was stopped at a red light, or at least until I turned my head away as Francesca asked me what I was looking at and I lied as said I was just looking outside. She was incredibly beautiful. She had lost her teenage looks and looked like a young woman, even prettier than we first met. Leandra was now 26 and she was a star in the fashion world.

If other times in England were harmless, this time I knew I was going to go through a rough experience that I was unsure I was ready for despite the years. This time in England would be different because I was going to see her. Leandra was introducing our performance at the awards and I was a nervous wreck for I hadn't seen her in four years. Not in person at least. I still followed her career as an obsessive fan and I wondered many if she still followed mine. I wondered what I had done to her quite often too. I still didn't understand what happened. I still loved her... that was so simple and undeniable. After four long years, I was still in love with a person I didn't see or talked to. It couldn't be more insane than that.

Despite that, Francesca and I were getting married in a couple of months. In one of my wasted moments, I asked her to marry me. Maybe it was a good thing; maybe I could really settle down and have a family. Who knows? Maybe I could be a better person. I wanted to create something new. Four years had been a long time and I knew Leandra was also dating a famous male model, some guy named Mark. They were everywhere. The first time I saw them together in a magazine, I remember I was really upset. I tore the magazine in little pieces and kicked a chair away. That guy was where I was supposed to be, he took my place. It made me so jealous to think she loved him. They had been dating for quite some time, so I had to move on with my life too and that's when it seemed logical to ask Francesca to marry me.

Why the hell I lived stuck with this feeling I had no clue... I just knew I felt it... it was a never-ending love...

Leandra's POV

Four years have passed. I was a celebrity. I can safely say that now. I had given up on college because I truly didn't have any time to study. I learned how to love my job and I managed to keep away from drugs and alcohol and I would certainly keep away from it in the future too. I moved into a bigger house near Hyde Park and I lived alone for Lil was now a married woman. She got married to Gary and just like me, she had given up on her studies to become a full-time booker and she loved her job too.

I had a boyfriend, Mark. He was English and he was 27 and he was a model too. We had been together for two years. Yes... it took me two years to get a new boyfriend after what happened with James. Two long years where I didn't let anyone near me. Two long years to trust someone again. James was just a memory or at least I liked to think he was one. He never knew that I got pregnant with his child. He never knew that I had lost the baby. I thought whatever we had to talk about was finished when I lost our child and from that moment on, I tried to let go of him and of my feelings for him.

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