Chapter 95

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On my way to the fashion show, I called Lars and Pep and told them James was fine. Obviously, both of them were highly against him staying with me, but then I us used to people being against us by then. No one could understand what was going on between us, sometimes I also questioned myself if they were right and I was the one who was wrong. But then, can love be wrong? Really? Can love be that wrong? I also called my mother, and for the first time I lied to her. Well, I didn't lie, I omitted the fact that James was there with me for I knew she was also going to say how wrong it was. I knew the words by heart then. Maybe all of them were right but I would never leave him without help. I loved him too much for that.

Getting to the venue was another problem. The traffic delayed me even more and when I got there, everyone was almost hysterical looking for me. Needless to say, the director of the show was beyond mad, but I apologized and told him that I had had a personal issue to take care of, to which he politely said that I was a famous model and thus, I was untitled to have personal problems. Right? Models are not human beings. Models do not have a life. They are models... I went to do my job without even trying to explain anything else. People are clueless sometimes and I had learned not to waste my energy.

I called James in a break of the rehearsals but the phone was turned off. Then, I called the front desk of the hotel but they told that he left the hotel around lunch time, and they didn't know anything else. He was so determined to stay out of touch those days, that he didn't realize he was keeping me from contacting him too. Anyway, after lunch, we did the last rehearsal and then I went to the makeup and hair room. The fashion designer also showed me the clothes he wanted me to wear. I fell in love with one dress that later he offered it to me, saying it was mine at the end of the show. One of the benefits of being a model if not the only.

The show started at British punctuality, and finished a bit earlier than I thought, so I could probably be at the hotel around seven like I had told James. Knowing he was waiting for me made me want to be there more than anything. Well, I didn't even want to leave the first place. So, after the show I refused to attend the party, excused myself, and I went back to the hotel. The ride arrived at the Hilton's door half an hour after I left the venue, and I found it strange that the receptionist stopped me from going to my room when I got in the lobby, saying I could go up after calling James and telling him I was coming up. I thought that was really odd, but I played along and waited. It took a few minutes until I had orders to go up to my own room. James was at the door waiting for me and when I got close, he took his arm from behind his back and gave me a red rose.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Now, let me cover your eyes." He said.

"What?" I giggled.

"Let me cover your eyes." He insisted. I closed my eyes without saying anything else and he covered them with his hand.

"Now, let's go in." He said, guiding me inside the suite.

We gave three steps and then I heard him kick the door shut. Then, we gave another two steps and he took his hand from my eyes so I could see the surprise. I looked at the table in wonder. There was just a reading lamp turned on in the living room. The table was set for two with candles enlightening it. There was another red rose in one plate, which I assumed it was mine.

"You didn't have to bother." I said, turning my head to look at him. James was watching me with a glow in his eyes and a soft smile in his lips.

"I wanted to do something special for you. It's been a long time." He told me.

"Thank you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and held him tight. The scent of his perfume invading my nose immediately, and then I just noticed how well dressed he was. "You look good too." I said, straying a bit to look at him better.

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