Chapter 7

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There was a car waiting for us outside. A black Van with black windows that conveyed total discretion. I didn't know where we were going but I also didn't care. I just cared about my company and my company was wonderful. My company was too good to be true in fact, and even if I knew I shouldn't be thinking that way, it was impossible not to. Our journey started in silence, but as I needed to divert my wild thoughts, I decided to talk.

"The journalists are that cool?" I asked him to try to continue the conversation we had left behind inside the elevator.

"I'm tired of the same questions every day." He said promptly. Then he put on a funny face and imitated some other voice. "Did you expect this album to be this successful? Did you expect Enter Sandman to be a hit single?" I started laughing. James could be so funny. "You don't make me this type of questions, so I'm cool with that" He laughed too.

"I could ask tougher questions you know?" I teased and mindlessly, I rested my hand on his leg, but pulled away just when I noticed what I had done.

Seeing my reaction, James grabbed my hand and put it back on his leg, holding it, so I couldn't escape. My heart jumped out of my throat immediately. It started racing like at the end of a marathon where you have to give everything to win that race. That was my heart that very moment. Beating wild and free and fast. His warm hand on top of mine was making me shudder and to top it all, I loved physical contact with him. At that very moment, I started feeling that I was really going to get in trouble for he moved me in strange and dangerous ways.

"I still prefer yours." He said looking out at the window, incapable of saying it looking at me and still holding my hand.

For the first time, I had witnessed a bit of the shy James Hetfield, and it was still sweet and adorable and incredibly hot. I decided not to say anything though for the silence was just awkward enough. We remained in silence for a while both looking at opposite sides. Each one of us looking to our side of the road, unable to face each other. My hand still resting on his leg and he was caressing it with his fingers. What was he trying to do? Charming me? Being nice? It felt so good though... Then, I looked at him and maybe he was just distracted and doing so mindlessly. Maybe he wasn't trying to do anything, he seemed so absorbed with the world outside, that it was probably nothing. Later, the car stopped and I figured out we had arrived at our restaurant. Puerto Santa Maria, a famous restaurant facing the beach. It was a good choice. It was one of the best seafood restaurants in Barcelona and I wondered if he had heard of this one or if he had asked for advice.

"Good choice." I decided to break the dead silence that took care of us the rest of the way. This restaurant is awesome." I added while we were getting out of the car.

"I wanted to have sea food and a guy in the hotel said this one was good." James responded seeming a little more relaxed.

"It is." I agreed. "I like it here a lot and I come here often." I said as the doorman opened the door of the restaurant for us.

"Well... you live here..." He retorted.

"True." I smiled at him.

Soon, a waiter came to receive us. James had made a reservation and we were guided to a table near the window so we could see part of the mountain and the cliff and the sea. If it had been day, we could have profited more of that view. That cliff was my favorite place in the whole world. When the waiter left, James grabbed the cart and smiled at me.

"So... what do you suggeste?" He asked me.

"Everything here is good." I giggled.

"Yeah..." He said already studying the menu. "But I need some help."

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