Chapter 53

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In the morning, I woke up to find his side of the bed empty. I tried to listen to some noise around the house, but there was absolute silence. I puffed right after thinking about our fight. I hated to argue with him, and the feeling of falling asleep mad at him broke my heart. Thus, I had a terrible night sleep. I wanted to end that fight though, so I got up and went to look for him anyway. James was nowhere and when I was going to the balcony I found a note hand written on the table of the living room. I grabbed it to read:

"I didn't want to wake you up. I went to Francesca's. See you later."

"He went to her house." I smiled bitterly and smashed the piece of paper in my hand.

I threw it back on the table and went to the balcony. We had just arrived and he was stuck in her house already. My brain started to play all the possible scenarios, but none of them were good. I was jealous of her. Incredibly jealous of her. Then, I remembered he had tried to talk to her while we were in New York and she never answered his calls or returned it. So, maybe I was being unfair and he went there just to know about his baby girl. He needed to know if everything was alright. I understood that, but I still had a knot in my throat that didn't let me breathe properly. Trying not to go crazy with my thoughts, I took a shower, and then I had breakfast, at least he had left fresh coffee. After, I made a list of the groceries we needed and tried to reach the supermarket I had seen the day before while James was driving around to show me the surroundings.

The day was warm. The sky was the bluest one I had seen in ages. I loved to go out in the streets and not freeze. I hated the cold and rainy weather. In London I had both, well they say it rains a lot in San Francisco too, but I guess it would be the same as in Madrid or Barcelona. So, I was ok with that. I think here it's even warmer than in my hometown. Something I don't mind at all. I was able to find the supermarket quite well. I was trying to memorize my way back as the streets were all very similar. I got everything I wanted and went back home, a bag in each arm. We sure needed more stuff, but it was too much for me to carry it alone and walking. That is why I wanted to start taking my driving license too. Mine was European and I wasn't allowed to drive in the US, so I needed to take a few lessons and another exam. I wanted to be independent. I wanted to buy a car and be able to go anywhere I wanted, anytime I wanted. When I got to our place, I heard noise inside the apartment when I was opening the door. When opened the door, I found James was just walking around the living room nervously.

"God damn it, Leandra!" He yelled walking up to me. "Where the hell have you been? I tried to call you and your cell was on the couch. Do you at least care to take it with you? Where the fuck were you?" He asked annoyed.

"Hey! Don't talk to me like that!" I told him, tossing the bags on the couch. "We needed some groceries so I went to the supermarket. I forgot my cell here. What's your problem?" I asked in the end.

So, he left... to her house and he comes back and he is still yelling at me? I was beyond pissed off.

"I was just worried about you that's all." He said, lowering the tone of his voice.

"Worried... right?" I said, picking up the bags and taking it to the kitchen. I left him there alone.

I started to put the groceries in the cupboard. I managed to find some space to put the groceries and organize everything, and I spent a couple of time doing it. I glanced at James now and then as it was a kitchenette. He was sat on the couch reading a magazine still looking grumpy. I just wasn't sure if he was still mad at me or if something had gone wrong with his visit to Francesca. He was more annoyed than the night before. That was quite clear.

After I finished putting some order in the kitchen, I called Lil and we talked for a while. I told her about what I had seen so far. I also told her about the party, but I omitted my fight with James. I didn't want to worry her. Our first night living together and we pulled out a fight. That was not a good sign. She told me she was trying to convince Gary to come over here. It was my first day away and she was already missing meso much. I missed her too. I was too attached to her without a doubt.

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