Chapter 30

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James's POV

I left her house certain that she shared the same feelings for me. Lea still loved me the same way I was still in love with her. She had kissed me with passion, with desire. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. That was so clear. After four years apart, the same fire between us as if we had always been together. And Francesca? I cringed as she crossed my mind. I was going to kill her... she had a lot to explain to me. I couldn't wait to get to the hotel and hear her explanation for what she had done. After four years the truth came out. How come Lea never told me this? Was it that hard? I was also slightly mad at her for not telling me about it. It had been so easy.

"Faster!" I asked the taxi driver almost yelling as I couldn't wait to set my eyes on Francesca. Bitch...

As the car stopped in front of the hotel, I paid for it and got out of the cab almost running. I got inside the hotel walking fast and I was too nervous to wait for the elevator, so I ran up through the stairs and reached the 4th floor in quite a short time. I was so fucking nervous that I feared my reaction when in front of her. When I finally reached the door to my suite, I searched for keys in my pocket, but I didn't have them, so I knocked at the door breathing heavily. My heart pounding, my legs were even shaking a bit.

"Open the fucking door!" I yelled from the outside impatiently. "Francesca... open the fucking door right now or I will break it down." I yelled again. "Don't fucking test me."

I would. I was so out of my mind that I would break the door just to be able to go inside. When she opened it, I got in abruptly, almost pushing her inside and slamming the door violently behind me. A loud thud was heard along the corridor and maybe on near floors.

"Where the hell have you been?" She asked me with an unfriendly tone. Oh... I couldn't care less about that annoying tone of hers. "Sleeping with some slut?" She added as if that was going to offend me.

"Shut the fuck up." I told her, shoving my index finger in front of her huge nose, and even touching it. My eyes locked in hers. "We need to talk." I said, pushing her by her arm and tossing her on the couch. "Remember 1993? New York?" I shot immediately. "Remember it? DO YOU FUCKING REMEMBER IT?" I yelled really loud.

I saw her shaking a little scared. Her cold eyes wide opened looking in mine. She was afraid of me, and yet she stared at me with her defiant glare.

"What's your point?" She asked me, rubbing her arm. My fingers marked on her skin. "You hurt me, you bastard." Francesca tried to complain, maybe trying to reach some sort of pity that I didn't have at the moment.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED THAT NIGHT?" I yelled again, making her jump with fear.

"James..." She said with trembling voice.

"Don't James me..." I menaced her, feeling all my anger surface that moment.

Her lips trembling. The tears ears probing in her eyes let me know Leandra was telling the truth. Not that I doubted her at all, but I had to see it with my own eyes.

"I love you and I loved you back then." She told me as if it justified it all. "I did what I did for love. Understand that." Francesca cried.

"For love?" I frowned. "And what I felt didn't matter? Do you have any idea how I felt? And Leandra? She thought all this time that I lied to her! You're the reason why we aren't together now. YOU RUINED MY LIFE!" I yelled again in the end.

I was controlling myself not to hit her. I didn't hit women at all, but at that moment I could perfectly do it. My fists were even clenched. I feared for my reaction.

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