Chapter 79

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I must have fallen asleep at the beach for I woke up in my bed, and I didn't remember coming back to the house. The clock marked 9 am, so I must have slept around 5 hours. I was exhausted, and my head was about to explode. My eyes were so inflamed that it seemed I didn't have them opened at all. Lil was the first person that crossed my mind as I turn on my back and stare at the ceiling. Afterwards, I obliged my mind to think about someone else than her so I tried to find James as he was not in bed with me. I tried to listen to some noise around the house but couldn't hear anything. Probably, James had to leave somewhere and my heart ached a bit for him too because he must have been really tired too, as he just slept a couple of hours more than I did.

I dragged myself to the bathroom and opened the water of the shower. I placed myself under it when it was warm enough and I let it run over me for a while and just then I started washing myself. Once I was finished, I put on an old pair of jeans and a sweater, and my flips flops on my feet and I went down stairs. Amazingly, I was starving. So, I went to the kitchen to have something before depression would strike me again. Lil was the first thing that came up to my mind when I opened my eyes, but I must have run out of tears because not one single drop came out of my eyes. Maybe it was the exhaustion. I felt so drained it was impossible to describe it in words. To my surprise, when I got in the kitchen, Dee was there. She had fed Disco already and she was making me breakfast. I looked at her a bit startled.

"Morning." She said, leaving the eggs on the fry and giving me a tight hug.

"Morning. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be working?" I asked her.

"James called me." She told me returning to the eggs she was cooking. "He told me what happened and asked me to come here because he didn't want you to be alone. He went to settle the trip to Barcelona."

"Yeah, I figured out he would. How was he?" I asked her.

"He looked really tired and most of all concerned about you." Deedee responded without taking her eyes of the stove.

"We haven't slept much. " I said, starting to set the table.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, looking at me as I grabbed some cups from the cupboard.

"Terrible. I still don't believe it happened. Everything is so unreal. In my head, she's still alive and then when reality hits..." I stopped talking and took a huge deep breath. "Did you already have breakfast?" I asked Dee, trying to run away from the subject.

As she shook her head, I put a plate, a fork, and a cup for her too. I got the coffee and some orange juice ready and played with Disco for a bit. When everything was ready, I sat at the table with Dee. She smiled watching me eat.

"One of the things my brother asked me before he left was to make sure you'd eat. I think I don't have to do that." She said.

"I woke up starving." I told her. "I guess he was worried because yesterday I could barely eat."

"He's pretty down too." Dee said.

"Yeah, he liked Lil a lot. Who didn't? I mean... she was such a wonderful person."

"Are you finished?" She asked.

"Yeah, why?" I curled an eyebrow.

"Because he asked me to give you this after you had breakfast." She handed me a small pill.

"What is this?" I asked her, looking at the pill.

"Something to calm you down. It will make you relax." She smiled.

I rolled my eyes, but I did as she asked me to, swallowing the pill with help of a sip of water. I helped Dee putting order in the kitchen and then we both sat in the living room talking. She was telling me about her job and how good her relationship with Jason was, but I was beginning to hear her very far away. A wave of sleepiness invaded me and I was trying to keep my eyes opened but I couldn't fight it. I stopped listening to Dee in instants.

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