Chapter 48

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My day started really early. I had breakfast with Gary and we left for our meeting with the director of the video. I was going to have a quick lesson on acting, but quite frankly I was not worried about that. Every time you have to pose for a camera, you have to impersonate someone else, so it's a bit like acting. What was worrying me was something else. I kept looking at my cell phone every now and then to see if I had a call from James or a text or anything. Anything that could rest my heart, but there was still nothing. I didn't want to believe something was going wrong again but my fear was not letting me think otherwise. I was disquieted and unconcentrated, and almost on the verge of panicking.

"What's bothering you Lea?" Gary asked me, seeing I was distressed.

"James didn't call. He said he would but he didn't." I told him. "It's been quite a while. Almost a day..." I let out. "Why is this happening again?"

"Maybe he didn't have time." Gary told me. "You'll see he's gonna call you today. Relax."

"Yeah..." I said looking at my cell one more time. "I'm just freaking out for no reason." I said, but I swore I was about to lose my mind. Nothing could stop me from thinking something bad had happened to us again.

The meeting was boring and it took long. They had sketches where they explained what I was supposed to do, and then I started some lesson with a teacher. I was sure that acting was something I didn't want to do. I didn't like it not even a bit, but I was a professional so I would always try to do my best. After a few trials of the scenes and improvising a whole bunch, it was time for lunch. It was during our break for lunch that my cell started ringing. I jumped as I heard it and moved fast to answer it. When I saw his name on the display, I smiled feeling relieved and happy. My heart was jumping in joy, and I almost couldn't believe it.

"James." I answered it smiling.

"Hey, babe." He said warmly on the other side, sounding happy and my heart came to a rest. Maybe this time things would go well for us after all.

"Hi!" I said again. "How are you? How was the flight?" I asked, feeling a tremendous relief that moment. The world became bright again.

"Everything was fine." He told me.

"I waited for your call yesterday..." I breathed. I heard a deep breath from him on the other end.

"I'm sorry, Lea." He said. understanding what his silence might have meant for me. "I didn't call because I talked to her first thing when I got here." He explained. "The conversation took hours, so it was a bit late then to call you. Things weren't easy as you can imagine."

" talked to her already?" I asked rather surprised. I didn't expect him to do so right away.

"The sooner the better." He told me. "I slept at my apartment. I'm gonna pick up my stuff today."

"And how did she react?" I asked.

"Well, you know... she started crying. She says she's not going to let me see the kid but I didn't insist much. She was nervous... this is not an easy situation for her either." James said, understanding Francesca's side.

"No, it's not. I hope you can sort things out with her though." I said, knowing his child was really important to him.

"I have to give her some time." He gasped. "So, how's your day?" He asked then, changing the subject.

"It sucks so far." I laughed, making him laugh too. "This acting stuff is too boring. I'm having some lessons. Now I'm having lunch with Gary, what about you? What are you going to do?"

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