Chapter 104

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James and I left to our honeymoon in Mexico the day after. Everything there was perfect. The sea. The beaches. All types of activities we were engaged in. Everything was just as we had planned. No one knew that we had gotten married, or at least we haven't told anyone. We just didn't know if it would end up in the news somehow though it seemed quite impossible. Unless the chapel would sell the news, none of the people attending would do so. Since we got to Mexico that our phones were disconnected, so we didn't want any contact with the real world nor did we want to. It was our time and our time alone.

We were happy and relaxed. I can safely say it had been the most incredible two weeks of my life. We were so in love and delighted to be married. We made plans for the future and talked a lot about rehab. James avoided alcohol the entire time, but it was such a big struggle I could see that. His back didn't help him either, as the pain came back. Other than that, we were fine. We were more than fine. We were perfect. We were united. We were one.

Unfortunately, as everything good has an ending, our two weeks of holiday ended and we had to come back to the real world. It didn't take long when we got home to realize that we were all over the news. What seemed impossible to us was a reality. The chapel had sold the news and so by then the world was aware of our marriage. My mother was the first one to tell us so when we went to pick up Disco. There were even photos of us during the honeymoon, taken while we were at the beach. Close ups of our hands showing our wedding rings. We had been spied and we didn't even notice. It was all incredibly insane.

When we got to our house, the message box of our phone was blinking. It had countless messages. First one was from Claire... I shuddered when I heard her voice. It was true... with all the frantic happenings in my life I didn't even remember her and she was my agent. Kirk and Lani, a disappointed messaged. Dee, wishing us the best but a bit sad because we haven't told her too. Metallica's management, pissing James off. Lars truly disappointed at us because we didn't tell him either. The final message was a bit different though. It was a shock to James. It was Metallica's management again informing the law suit against Napster, and an interview with Playboy magazine.

"WHAT?" James yelled.

"Calm down." I simply told him comfortably sat on the couch with Disco.

"Calm down? This is going to ruin us!" He said.

"Lars knows what he's doing." I told him. "You guys leave all the hard tasks to him; you should remember that." I called for his reason.

"He mentioned it, but I never thought he would actually do it." James walked around in circles visibly nervous.

"Well... knowing you guys, he said what he was going to do, and as usual no one listened." I said.

"This is fucking important! He should have told us twice if he had to. I have to go and talk to him." He said, picking the keys to his truck. "I'll be back soon." He kissed me quickly and I watched him leave and then caressed Disco's head.

"Welcome to the real-world buddy." I talked to the dog.

James came back around dinner time. I ordered some Chinese so we were just waiting for the food to arrive. As we had been away for long, I needed to do some shopping.

"So, how was it? Did you talk to him?" I asked.

James looked really pissed off. He looked like we haven't been on holidays at all and I tell you, we had such a great time.

"I did." He nodded. "He says it's the right thing to do. Though, I just feel betrayed. I mean, he did all this while I was away, and I don't give a shit if he says we talked about it." He said visibly disturbed.

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