Chapter 82

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Sometimes March could be really cold, windy, and rainy in Barcelona and that day was an example of it. I woke up to find a clouded and grey sky, rain tapping in the window, and the wind was even whistling. I was watching all that from my bed. I opened my eyes and instantly the noise of the rain caught my attention. James moved, sticking his leg in the middle of mine. His head was so close to my neck that I could feel his warm breath as he breathed against my skin and rested an arm randomly on my breast. I chuckled at that detail but kept looking at the window. It was like the sky was also crying for the loss of my friend.

I closed my eyes in an attempt to sleep a bit more. I didn't want to think about Lil. Don't get me wrong but it was too painful to remember her. So, I tried to sleep more. It was cold and I was warm, and I could stay in bed a little longer. I was comfortable, and I had the love of my life wrapped around me. What more could I want? My friend alive? It was a reasonable wish, but no matter how hard I wished for it, it wouldn't come true. I turned around a little bit to look at James. He had a peaceful expression and he was so relaxed. I ran my fingers through his hair and traced a line with my finger over his face and then on his lips and smiled while I watched him. How was it possible to love someone the way I loved him? Then, I snuggled against him even more, it felt so good. I felt protected, and the warmth of his body warming mine, was the greatest sensation ever. I was smiling in delight when his voice made me jump.

"Satisfied?" He said sounding so sleepy.

"Were you awake?" I asked him, rebuilding my position against him.

"Yeah, but I was enjoying your caress. I was hoping you'd continue but then you stopped." He smiled. That naughty smile of his that makes me melt every time.

"Aaah... I see... what you were expecting is that my hand would slide down like this..." I said exemplifying and reaching his shorts. "Humm..." I purred. "I wonder how you can pee in the morning like this!" My hand felling his hardness. "Morning wood..." I told him. He started laughing low against my ear.

"That's good. " He said when I slid my hand inside the shorts and stroke him.

"James Alan Hetfield, you are a pervert but do I love you that way!" I said in his ear, and then giving him a saucy smile, I said, "If you like this wait until you feel this." I disappeared under the covers. He stirred a bit when I caught him in my mouth and he released a soft sigh.

"So, is it better?" I asked him.

"God..." He just said as I kept on pleasuring him.

He tangled his fingers in my hair and tugged gently, moaning low and softly while I let my lips and tongue delight him. His low and controlled moans filling the air as well as deep gasps.

"Come back here." He said peeking under the covers.

I crawled back up kissing his belly, his chest, his neck and then his lips. He caressed my back while we kissed. His touch was gentle and sweet and the way he was kissing me was beyond tender. It was a long, slow, and tender kiss. Our tongues were dancing in slow motion. Then, he rolled me over, so he was on top of me. He liked to be on top. James liked to be in charge. We kept on sharing kisses for a long time, just profiting of our time, cuddling in bed while raining outside. The sound of the rain in the glass always feels good when you are in bed, right? Now add your boyfriend making love to you, isn't that perfect? We had the time, and we didn't rush anything. Later, he took the shirt of my pajama off and tossed it on the floor randomly. I did the same to his and it landed near mine. He kissed my neck again taking his time, lovingly, giving me the goose bumps. He then traced a line with his tongue until he reached my breasts. That's when he toyed with it. He took a nipple in his mouth and played with his tongue around it. He did the same to the other. My breathing becoming heavier and my fingers playing with his hair.

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