Chapter 19

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Just as I expected, the meeting in London was about a new job opportunity in one of the most famous agencies in Britain. My career was bursting at the time and I was solicited more and more to do important jobs in the fashion industry. I was alright with everything that life would bring me, even more because it would give me the opportunity to study in one fine college in London which was my ultimate goal, but they wanted me to start in August and I had other plans.

"No!" I affirmed vehemently. "I told you, I wasn't going to do anything until October." I said walking around my room almost yelling at Jorge as he tried to convince me to accept this amazing offer.

"Leandra..." He used my full name to let me know how furious he was with me that moment. "This is an excellent chance for you. This type of offer doesn't come twice in your life." Jorge claimed.

"I know that!" I raised my tone and waved my hands in the air. "Don't you think I know that? But James isn't just something that comes twice in my life either and he is so much more important."

"If he loves you..." He paused there and I stopped walking to look at him. My body shook a little but I didn't show it. "... he will understand." He then completed and I released a groan.

I hated the fact that he had gone against my word. I had another thing that wouldn't come twice in my life, the blind love I felt for a man. That type of love also doesn't come twice in your life. Or I thought it wouldn't back then.

"You knew about this." I pointed my finger at him hissing my words furiously. "You knew what I wanted, and you still brought me here. Why?" I said looking at him resting my hands on my hips and waiting for an explanation. "Why would you do something like this?"

"Because this is excellent!" Jorge exclaimed. "The money they want to pay you just for signing the contract is already worth it. Not to mention the jobs you can pull out of this contract. Lea, it doesn't get much better than this. You are going to make a fortune, that together with the fact that yesterday you appeared with James at the party..." He had said enough.

I stopped him right there as he mentioned James. How dare he?

"STOP." I yelled really loud. "Stop talking about him as if he is an object or a making money machine!"

"It's not that Lea. Calm down a bit." He said, trying to make me listen to him. "Listen, I even think he's cool, and I think that he likes you but you have to agree that people are now getting curious about you and obviously your presence is a matter of interest. This agency doubled their offer after that appearance. It's not about devaluating him as a person but he is a huge name in the music industry now and you are the new star in the fashion world... this combination is a bomb."

I rubbed my face with my hands feeling exasperated. For a moment, I regretted I had become public with him. We could have stayed quiet for a while longer. I was being harassed with paparazzi everywhere. My life was being scrutinized to the millimeter by the press. It all turned out an incredible hell in hours.

"I told you, I was going to meet James in the US. I don't want to work until I come back. This is my final decision, Jorge. That won't change at all." I made myself clear.

"Lea..." Jorge said my name unable to say anything else because he knew he was losing that fight to me.

"I want to spend my summer with him. I'm sorry. And he's counting on me. I can't let him down." I said, leaning against a chair. "I want to be with James right now. There's no money in the world that is going to make me change my mind."

"Think about it." Jorge still asked me. "You have three weeks to give them an answer. It's one hell of a long dead line. Think well about all they are offering you." He insisted.

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