Chapter 5

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A knock on my door made me startle and yanked me from my deep thoughts. I got up quickly to see who was disturbing me that late at night for it was not normal to have someone visiting me that late. Still, I went to the door and somehow, secretly, I was expecting James would be the one outside of my door. Just the thought of it made my heart skep beats and my stomach churned in that special way.

"Who is it?" I asked before opening it with my ear glued to the white painted wood.

"It's me." He said speaking low, hoping I would recognize his voice.

"James?" I asked just to confirm my ears were not playing tricks on me.

"Yes." He said on the other side.

I smiled immediately, even if involuntarily and with a bit of shaking hands, I unlocked the door right away to open it.

"Hope it's not too late." He smiled clumsily "I'm sorry... I had such a busy day" He said resting his arm on threshold.

I smiled back at him. It was late indeed but I could have some company, and especially his. Sometimes, life at hotels could be so damn lonely and deep inside I was actually waiting for him to come look for me. I wanted him to look for me. He needed company and so did I. We shared the hotel's loneliness. We had that in common and so much more.

"You are just on time." I responded. "It's not late, come in." I strayed to give him space to enter my suite.

"Can you receive guys in your room?" He asked, teasing me with his skittish grin and I laughed low.

"You were here yesterday, weren't you?" I asked back. "Besides, who would know about it?"

"True..." He agreed, looking back at me as I closed the door.

"I'm not supposed to..." I added though "...but I think Jorge is ok with your visits." I added while walking towards the fridge to get us some drinks.

"Jorge?" He asked curling an eyebrow and following me.

"My agent?" I said turning around to look at him "You met him yesterday." I explained and he nodded remembering him. Then, I looked inside the fridge. "I only have beers in the fridge is that ok for you?"

"You drink beer?" He asked rather surprised.

I giggled at his tone of surprise. "In your mind there is a lot of stuff that I cannot do, right?"

"I thought models weren't allowed to drink alcohol." He still curled his eyebrow.

"We are not but I don't give a shit." I said handing him a bottle "Sorry, I just don't have glasses."

He laughed "I think I can survive."

"Let's go to the balcony. The night is so warm." I suggested. "It's beautiful there, I promise."

The night was just too perfect to be stuck inside a living room and also, I could use some fresh air. I grabbed his hand in an innocent gesture and pulled him out to the balcony. Though my hand against his did make my heart speed its rate. Our hands fitted perfectly.

"I go wherever you want me to." He mumbled, but I heard it and smiled imperceptibly and said nothing though.

Probably, he was just talking to himself considering the low tone with which he said it, but I heard it anyway and I secretly enjoyed it. Almost, as much as I was enjoying his hand on my hand, that he did not pull away and neither did I. When we reached the balcony, our hands separated and we both sat side by side on the comfortable lounge chairs. I raised my bottle to him as in a toast which he returned with the most wonderful smile I've ever seen in my life. I felt a heat wave assaulting my whole body as I saw his lips opening up. He was just too cute to ignore, and his smile was just dangerously irresistible. It was getting more and more irresistible. Not to mention his deep blue eyes... everything in him was perfect and I was just blinded by it. I didn't want to, but he was causing an impression on me. He was leaving his mark on me. And even if I didn't want to be just another woman on his huge list, my mind flew there quite easily. I felt beyond attracted to him. I wanted him in every possible way a woman wants a man.

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