Chapter 42

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To be faster, we grabbed a cab and when we were on our way to the airport, James saw that he also had five missed phone calls from Lars. That was not going to be good for us. Both of us knew Lars pretty well and we could expect a fuss out of it.

"He called me too." James said, showing me his cell. "We are SO in trouble." He laughed after.

"The traffic excuse will work." I told him determined to use the traffic as a logical excuse for our huge delay. "This is New York. The traffic is crazy here and you take hours to get anywhere." I said, looking at the window.

"Yep..." James said still smiling. "I still don't believe that will work with Lars."

It took us a while to get there. Just like I predicted, the traffic was chaotic and it was pouring rain which made things worse. So, after an hour, we were finally at the airport's arrivals door. James held my hand, as if we were a couple and we went inside the arrivals area. I started looking around to see if I'd find them, but they were nowhere to be found. Therefore, I decided to call them, and Lars told me were at the bar so we went there.

"Where the fuck have you been?" We've been here for hours." Lars said as we approached them. I kissed him on the cheek and then I kissed Kirk too.

"I'm sorry... the traffic was a mess. We tried to be here on time but it was impossible." I said, and then I noticed Jason was missing. "Where's Jason?" I asked.

"He's staying with his girlfriend. Apparently he has a girl in New York." Kirk said.

"So that explains the fact I bumped into him at a bar the other day." I said, sitting at their table.

"So, miss... couldn't you at least answer my calls?" Lars continued to inquire me.

"I didn't hear the cell ringing. I'm sorry my little Danish, I really am." I joked with a smile on my lips.

"And James... didn't you hear yours too?" He said turning to James.

James had been so right. He knew something was not entirely right. Kirk was choking on his laughter, and at this point so was I. Lars could be so sneaky and so nosy, but I loved him in a very friendly manner.

"I'm sorry man... I didn't hear mine either." James tried to be serious.

Lars looked at me and then at James. Then, he looked back at me and then back at James. I was really trying to hold my laughter and James's eyes were locked in me, as if trying to control me.

"You guys don't fool me." Lars began. "You just had sex." He added. "I can see it in your faces. Both with satisfied look."

Kirk no longer held his laughter and I saw James controlling himself there too. I put a serious face though.

"So, you think we didn't hear our cells because we were busy having crazy sex. Maybe in my bathroom and the noise was so loud that we didn't even hear you calling or maybe we just rather ignored you because what we were doing was definitely more interesting?" I saw James fighting his laughter as I mentioned some facts of what happened.

"You were weren't you? Because I told Kirk when none of you answered that we were going to be here for hours waiting, you guys were busy." Lars said defying me with a smile on his face.

"Busy? Having rough, crazy, dirty sex?" James laughed loud as I said those words. He no longer held his laughter.

"Were you?" Lars asked coming closer as expecting I'd tell him anything.

"No." I whispered. "We were caught in the middle of the traffic." I denied everything in the end.

"You're lying miss." Lars still teased me. "I can see it in your eyes. They're glowing." He said, leaning back against his chair. We were all laughing loud at this point.

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