Chapter 66

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The environment in the club was beyond weird but alluring to say the least. People seemed more accelerated than we were. My cosmopolitan tasted really different, but I guess that was because I still had the taste of the weed in my mouth. My tongue was like cork and my mouth was really dry, again it must have been from the weed.

"My brain is just taking off." James said in my ear laughing cutely. None of us were used to smoke pot, so the effect was greater than usual.

"I think we exaggerated a bit, maybe we shouldn't have smoked it all." I said, feeling guilty.

"I think this is a swing club, Lea. Look around." He said, laughing insanely, making me laugh too.

I looked around, and I guess he was right. There were couples on the couches caressing each other. Others simply talking, but usually there were two couples together, which lead us to the swing thing. Suddenly, a guy gets closer to us.

"Can I borrow your girl for a couple of minutes?" He asked James.

I could be high, but I held onto his arm firmly. We were not in the right part of the club for sure. That was not our party.

"Only if you want to see your dick chopped off, get the fuck out." James told the guy. "We better get out of here, Lea." He said. But I was just too distracted looking around watching the people. "What?" He asked in my ear and raising his eyes, looking around too. "You like this?"

"Not like..." I told him. "It's kind of..." I saw his lips curving in a very mischievous smile.

"Is it turning you on, babe?" He teased, biting my ear right after. "Is that it?" I looked around again watching couples getting sassier than usual in a public place, but I guess the policy there was different.

"I don't want any of these people to touch me." I said instead. I was sure about that.

"I asked you if it turns you on?" He brushed his lips on my ear and I giggled. I felt my cheeks burning and my blood boiling in my veins. "It does..." He giggled, sliding a hand up to my breast over the fabric of my dress, making me shudder.

"It does..." I finally confessed.

"Oh Lea..." He whispered and kissed my cheek. Then, my mind got absolutely distracted with other details.

"Look there's Robin Williams over there, I didn't know he was a swinger." I pointed, killing the mood. "My God, Rob Flynn of Machine Head is over there! And Pepper!"

"What? Pepper is here?" James said really surprised.

"Yeah, he's over there." I pointed.

"We better get out of here, before he sees us." He said turning his back to leave, but I pulled him back.

"Too late, babe." I laughed awkwardly. "He's seen us and he's coming here, so just smile." I told him, but my comment of smiling made us burst into laughter instead of just smiling. Remember, we were drunk and high.

"Hetfield, what the hell are you doing here?" Pepper asked, shaking his hand, and looking completely surprise. It sure was not the type of place where James would hang out.

"Here? Nothing!" He said, the answer was really ridiculous. We looked at each other and started laughing again. "I mean..." James said. "I brought Lea here to have dinner, and then we just came to this club, but we're obviously in the wrong place."

"Are you high?" Pepper asked surprised.

"Me? NOOOO. You know me better than that." James said, rolling his eyes.

Not controlling himself for five seconds, he started laughing. He was incredibly funny. I couldn't control myself either. Pepper was just studying us. The more he looked at us the more we laughed.

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